Jan. 13, 2025

FROM THE VAULT: Rhylee Passfield

FROM THE VAULT: Rhylee Passfield
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FROM THE VAULT: Rhylee Passfield

Back in October of 2021 (episode 55), TikTok star Rhylee Passfield joined us on the show to discuss her "Cursed Cosplay", which are still some of the most creative and hilarious videos on the internet. Rhylee is also an accomplished model, make-up artist, painter, and singer.

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00:00:00.342 --> 00:00:06.471
Hey everyone, it's Riley Passfield, TikTok sensation, and you're listening to the Oblivion Bar podcast.

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Welcome to the Oblivion Bar podcast with your host, Chris Hacker and Aaron Knowles.

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Joining us this week on the Oblivion Bar podcast is an absolute TikTok sensation.

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She just recently surpassed 1 million followers.

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I think you're at 1.5 now, which is incredible.

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She coins her content as cursed cosplays and they are some of the most creative and hilarious videos on the internet.

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She is also an accomplished model, makeup artist, painter, and singer as well.

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It is my honor and our honor as the Oblivion Bar to introduce and welcome Riley Passfield onto the show.

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Welcome Riley! Hello! There's that laugh that we've all heard.

00:01:15.981 --> 00:01:27.376
You know, it's funny the other night, we talked about a little bit before the show, but I was showing some of my friends, I work at a bar, you know, I nightlife as a bartender and I was showing some of my friends some of your, your TikToks the other night.

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And I swear you could just hear your laugh reverberating throughout the entire restaurant.

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You're a little like, every time you see something funny, you've done with your, with your cosplays, you're just a little, ha! It's so funny.

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00:01:44.153 --> 00:01:48.322
Well, Firstly, just wanted to quickly just kind of, let's just dive into it, right?

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Let's just, let's talk about your venture over on TikTok.

00:01:51.341 --> 00:02:03.762
You know, as someone who prides themselves, myself in understanding social media and you know, the culture that it creates with its own zeitgeist, I can confidently say that I do not understand TikTok at all.

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Especially when it comes to promoting our podcast here at the Ablobbing Bar.

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So my question for you is, what was it like for you to initially start your TikTok page and what advice would you ultimately give?

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other content creators, wink, wink me, to create like a successful TikTok brand that you've created over there.

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for me, was like, was weird because so we went into lockdown.

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So I'm from Queensland, Australia.

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We went into lockdown for like two weeks.

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It was about two weeks and I was like bored in my apartment and I just posted a story on my Instagram when I had like 2000 followers on there.

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And I was like, someone give me like an idea of like a cosplay to do just like out of my cupboard.

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And so I think like my first like ones I did was like the thumb thumbs from spy kids.

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then I did Marta Simpson.

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And then I had like a pretty like, like good response like from that just like with the little people that I had then.

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And then people were like, you should put post these on TikTok.

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So I was like, okay, bet.

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So literally I just like.

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I just posted them on there and then it just like went off and it was just like really random too and unexpected.

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So I was just like, what's going on?

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So I think like, I don't know that in terms of advice, I'm like, just make content that's like, I guess like organic to you.

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it's like, it's showcasing yourself.

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And that makes sense.

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00:03:42.752 --> 00:03:44.022
No, absolutely.

00:03:44.963 --> 00:03:49.078
Why do these things on the internet to get famous or what have you?

00:03:49.078 --> 00:03:53.972
Because people, we can tell when someone's being genuine, whether it be online or otherwise, most of the time.

00:03:53.972 --> 00:03:58.466
So if you're not passionate about what you're doing, it'll come off pretty quickly that you're not, you know.

00:03:58.466 --> 00:04:01.217
Very true.

00:04:01.919 --> 00:04:05.062
Well, so let me ask you this, kind of like a...

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Be question the last one.

00:04:06.409 --> 00:04:11.590
Do you pay attention to like algorithms and you know trends and all of that other stuff when it comes to tick tock?

00:04:11.590 --> 00:04:18.170
Because you're kind of like in your own little world there as far as like the first cosplay as we talked about earlier.

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Literally my bubble.

00:04:20.389 --> 00:04:25.269
No, to be honest, I don't like like I was avid tick tock watcher before.

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Like I would spend like freaking hours on that app just scrolling through.

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You just get lost in it.

00:04:29.569 --> 00:04:32.110
And like you obviously see like trends and stuff.

00:04:32.110 --> 00:04:33.326
So that but.

00:04:33.326 --> 00:04:40.466
In terms of like the stuff that I post, don't really, no, I don't really post stuff that goes like with Trent or anything.

00:04:40.466 --> 00:04:50.526
I'm just like, just posting, just sit in my room, can wait to make a body posting and people are like, hell yeah.

00:04:51.005 --> 00:04:52.425
So yeah.

00:04:52.425 --> 00:04:53.026
All right.

00:04:53.026 --> 00:04:54.946
So you heard it here first, everybody.

00:04:54.946 --> 00:04:59.925
Riley Pastrall says, just be really awesome at the thing that you love and you'll get TikTok famous.

00:05:01.101 --> 00:05:02.721
Yeah, for yourself.

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That is the secret.

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00:05:06.742 --> 00:05:07.822
Well, that's awesome.

00:05:07.822 --> 00:05:11.841
And you know that that totally comes across in spades when it comes to watching your TikToks.

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Like you are literally just doing things that you love again, whether that's singing or your cursed cosplays or paintings or all of it.

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mean, you are you're part of the reason why I wanted to talk to you today and have you on the show is because you come off as very genuine online.

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And you're not afraid to be silly and you're not afraid to be yourself, which is again, it's very refreshing in today's world, especially on social media.

00:05:34.904 --> 00:05:35.485
Thank you.

00:05:35.485 --> 00:05:36.826
appreciate that.

00:05:36.826 --> 00:05:37.867
Of course.

00:05:38.408 --> 00:05:40.744
And to kind of, I'm just going to keep building you up here.

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I'm going to keep gushing if that's okay.

00:05:42.170 --> 00:05:49.596
So, and again, like we talked about in the intro here, you're incredibly talented in about every venture that you undertake.

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You know, of course, whether that's your cosplays and your hilarious process, their videos are essentially just showing your process, which is amazing.

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your unbelievable skill when it comes to makeup, which I think is, I would say that that might get overshadowed based on your hilarious videos.

00:06:02.817 --> 00:06:08.172
The, don't actually, some people may not notice how incredibly talented you are as far as a makeup artist goes.

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And then, you know, even playing multiple instruments, I see, I've seen videos of you playing the piano or, you know, singing and playing a guitar.

00:06:15.228 --> 00:06:16.538
Like it's just all just incredible.

00:06:16.538 --> 00:06:23.663
So, and also as a painter, mean, gosh, so all that said, and here's where the tricky question comes into play.

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What challenges you the most of all those artistically and creatively and of all those, what is like your true passion?

00:06:32.242 --> 00:06:33.663
first of all, thank you so much.

00:06:33.663 --> 00:06:36.545
My cheeks are hurting now from smiling.

00:06:36.545 --> 00:06:37.737
Just buckle in.

00:06:37.737 --> 00:06:39.999
This is going to keep building you up the whole time.

00:06:39.999 --> 00:06:40.930
So I love it.

00:06:40.930 --> 00:06:42.509
love the validation.

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to answer the question.

00:06:49.716 --> 00:06:52.627
I'd say probably like the thing that.

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It all really boils down to my art.

00:06:55.512 --> 00:06:59.855
Like I've always painted and drawn since I was like three.

00:06:59.855 --> 00:07:03.639
So I think everything kind of stems from that.

00:07:03.639 --> 00:07:16.689
And there's like such a broad spectrum of artistic creative things you can do from like painting and drawing and stuff like that and like creating.

00:07:17.031 --> 00:07:21.494
I think like that's probably like my biggest passion.

00:07:22.358 --> 00:07:25.379
I don't know, I'm really bad at answering questions, so.

00:07:26.718 --> 00:07:29.639
We should have talked about this before we got you over here on the interview.

00:07:29.819 --> 00:07:30.581
No, I'm just joking.

00:07:30.581 --> 00:07:31.680
That's perfect.

00:07:31.901 --> 00:07:37.762
And you know what's crazy is that if you ask any creative person, many of them can't tell you why they're creative, right?

00:07:37.762 --> 00:07:41.584
Like you just have an itch in your body of like wanting to make something.

00:07:41.584 --> 00:07:45.225
And you of course have multiple avenues with that.

00:07:45.225 --> 00:07:46.725
So, and I think you're great at all of them.

00:07:46.725 --> 00:07:48.576
And I think most people...

00:07:48.649 --> 00:07:51.771
Again, if you like, for instance, I mean, a great example of that is the oblivion bar.

00:07:51.771 --> 00:08:01.276
Over the years, I've tried to, you know, create YouTube channels or write blogs or just do writing in general or whatever, just something to like express myself, you know, creatively.

00:08:01.276 --> 00:08:03.819
And the oblivion bar, feel like is the greatest outlet for that.

00:08:03.819 --> 00:08:09.922
You know, we basically, I don't know if you're familiar with the show at all, but basically it's just a weekend review of all things nerd.

00:08:09.922 --> 00:08:12.473
We just talk about what happened that week in nerdy news.

00:08:12.473 --> 00:08:17.742
And we have like a main topic and my co-host Aaron and I, we just, we talk about those things that we would.

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generally talk about regardless, but we put a little bit of quality behind it and we put it out there for other people to kind of participate in and create a community that way.

00:08:25.141 --> 00:08:26.982
So I totally can relate.

00:08:26.982 --> 00:08:31.541
We're obviously not on the scale of, know, Riley Passfield, but it is still fun regardless.

00:08:31.541 --> 00:08:37.642
And I think even if someone's not even to our, know, say you're just, you know, writing a blog that no one reads, who cares?

00:08:37.642 --> 00:08:39.861
You know, you're, creating something and that's important.

00:08:39.861 --> 00:08:40.721

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00:08:41.042 --> 00:08:41.861
That's biggest thing.

00:08:41.861 --> 00:08:42.601
It's like, who cares?

00:08:42.601 --> 00:08:46.481
Like if you're passionate about something, if you love doing something, then just do it.

00:08:46.734 --> 00:08:47.634
That's biggest thing.

00:08:47.634 --> 00:08:48.615
Who cares?

00:08:48.615 --> 00:08:50.076
Who cares what people think?

00:08:50.076 --> 00:08:58.342
Especially if you're just starting out in the thing that you're doing, you might not be the best at it, but practice makes perfect.

00:08:58.342 --> 00:09:00.105
And who cares what people think?

00:09:00.105 --> 00:09:02.245
You just do it.

00:09:02.313 --> 00:09:03.788
If you love it, do it.

00:09:03.788 --> 00:09:06.730
Do you have a personal favorite cosplay that you've done so far?

00:09:06.730 --> 00:09:09.692
Is there a number one that you just are so happy with?

00:09:12.595 --> 00:09:13.755
I think...

00:09:13.755 --> 00:09:15.576
I see Mike Wazowski right behind you.

00:09:15.576 --> 00:09:16.937
I know that was a good one.

00:09:17.029 --> 00:09:19.490
Yeah, he's just chilling in the back.

00:09:19.490 --> 00:09:28.294
But I did like Weasel because I think purely for the fact that James Gunn shared it though, was like, my God.

00:09:28.654 --> 00:09:29.154

00:09:29.154 --> 00:09:30.154

00:09:31.495 --> 00:09:32.976
That was awesome.

00:09:32.976 --> 00:09:33.756
And that was cool.

00:09:33.756 --> 00:09:35.477
I'm a huge James Gunn fan myself.

00:09:35.477 --> 00:09:36.577
He's actually from St.

00:09:36.577 --> 00:09:38.499
Louis, which is where I live currently.

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you know, I have that, you know, that admiration for him that I think, you know, a lot of people in the nerd world have.

00:09:45.559 --> 00:09:46.250
So, and that was cool.

00:09:46.250 --> 00:09:47.260
That was really cool of him to do that.

00:09:47.260 --> 00:09:47.730
And it was great.

00:09:47.730 --> 00:09:48.331
It was really funny.

00:09:48.331 --> 00:09:49.972
It's one of your funnier videos.

00:09:50.274 --> 00:09:51.432
I watched the one today.

00:09:51.432 --> 00:09:53.917
I watched your B movie one.

00:09:53.917 --> 00:09:57.980
I'm forgetting the name of the character itself, but the B movie one is the one I watched today and it was so funny.

00:10:03.605 --> 00:10:11.451
was the, what was the, she did a Simpson one as well, where you're like in the woods and it's all dark and you see like all these neon lights throughout the forest.

00:10:11.451 --> 00:10:13.751
And then it just shows up on your face.

00:10:15.533 --> 00:10:19.594
I think that's probably like my favorite video that I've done.

00:10:19.734 --> 00:10:20.214

00:10:20.214 --> 00:10:21.573
Burns, the glowing Mr.

00:10:21.573 --> 00:10:22.214

00:10:22.333 --> 00:10:23.894
So I got to do it with my brother too.

00:10:23.894 --> 00:10:25.634
He just moved to the UK.

00:10:25.634 --> 00:10:26.813
it was good.

00:10:27.573 --> 00:10:28.274

00:10:29.193 --> 00:10:29.533

00:10:29.533 --> 00:10:31.374
So here's kind of a broad question.

00:10:31.374 --> 00:10:36.634
And I know that you probably hate answering questions like this, but I'm just curious and you can say no to it also.

00:10:36.673 --> 00:10:38.974
What has it been like since reaching a million subscribers?

00:10:38.974 --> 00:10:45.597
I mean, do you feel like anything has changed for you and your channel or have things basically been status quo since?

00:10:45.597 --> 00:10:49.421
And have you had like other creators try to reach out for collaborations or advice too?

00:10:49.421 --> 00:10:51.451
It's been, it's been wild.

00:10:51.451 --> 00:10:54.994
Like my phone doesn't stop like the notifications and stuff.

00:10:54.994 --> 00:10:56.645
Like it just is forever.

00:10:56.645 --> 00:11:00.347
I'm just stuck in this like whirlpool of notifications.

00:11:00.969 --> 00:11:06.221
and like obviously like comments and messages from people are just so beautiful.

00:11:06.221 --> 00:11:11.895
Like some of the messages that I receive and the comments are just like, they're so lovely.

00:11:11.895 --> 00:11:13.476
It's mind blowing.

00:11:14.398 --> 00:11:23.186
and Also, like, I don't really go out much to be honest, like I just go home at home, paint my face.

00:11:23.186 --> 00:11:31.327
like, but like every time I've gone out now, I've had like people recognize me from online and then like people want to get like photos and stuff.

00:11:31.327 --> 00:11:35.770
I'm just like, what?

00:11:36.051 --> 00:11:36.921
It's crazy.

00:11:36.921 --> 00:11:46.645
That's gotta be so unreal, you know, to have people who are actually like wanting to take a picture with you because of you know, tick tock like not that that's not that's amazing, obviously.

00:11:46.645 --> 00:11:51.846
And I'm sure that's probably something that you would never would have even thought possible when you first started doing this.

00:11:52.306 --> 00:11:52.946
no way.

00:11:52.946 --> 00:11:56.865
I'm just like, what like, I'm literally some weirdo that sits at home.

00:12:00.905 --> 00:12:09.495
So and I'm sorry, again, if this is tacky, or if you don't want to answer this, but have you I know a lot of people venture into the world just kind of doing tick tock.

00:12:09.495 --> 00:12:10.115
full time.

00:12:10.115 --> 00:12:11.778
you thought about that possibility at all?

00:12:11.778 --> 00:12:14.785
Or are you still want to keep your day job to kind of keep things normal?

00:12:14.785 --> 00:12:16.510
Or what's kind of the plan there?

00:12:17.046 --> 00:12:26.038
I definitely that's my goal to be able to to do this full time because I mean, like, literally nothing makes me happier.

00:12:26.038 --> 00:12:32.741
So if I can make this sort of full time job, then be set like I'll be so happy.

00:12:33.383 --> 00:12:35.455
That's definitely that's definitely a big goal.

00:12:35.455 --> 00:12:36.764
Yeah, for sure.

00:12:36.865 --> 00:12:37.607

00:12:37.607 --> 00:12:43.922
And again, I said at the beginning, if I had any idea how to work TikTok, I would have reached out to you a long time ago and said, Hey, how did you go about doing this?

00:12:43.922 --> 00:12:56.070
But we kind of already talked about how you are just saying basically just do what you love doing and you'll find the audience at some point, whether again, whether that's a million or whatever, it doesn't matter, honestly, as long as you're having a good time doing it.

00:12:56.451 --> 00:12:57.010

00:12:57.010 --> 00:13:00.114
have kind of a weird question here.

00:13:00.114 --> 00:13:01.033

00:13:01.033 --> 00:13:10.923
And this is something that we ask all of our guests and well, let me preface this by saying that You know, this is a, this will tell us a lot about you, not only as a creator, but as a person.

00:13:10.923 --> 00:13:13.315
And we don't want to want to over hype this, but this is kind of a big deal.

00:13:13.315 --> 00:13:19.937
So in the world of Pokemon, you, you are in that world.

00:13:19.937 --> 00:13:20.847

00:13:21.261 --> 00:13:24.109
You get to choose your starting six teammates.

00:13:24.429 --> 00:13:26.279
Who are those six and why Riley?

00:13:26.279 --> 00:13:32.812
I'm not even going to be able to think of them on the spot.

00:13:33.153 --> 00:13:33.932

00:13:35.285 --> 00:13:37.768
I you said 16 at first, I was like, jeez.

00:13:37.768 --> 00:13:39.429
I'm like, alright, I'm fed up.

00:13:39.429 --> 00:13:40.809
I'm gonna go.

00:13:41.871 --> 00:13:44.634
Okay, this is hard.

00:13:44.634 --> 00:13:46.014

00:13:46.015 --> 00:13:47.246
Just because he's funny?

00:13:47.246 --> 00:13:53.902
Like, that's just a big, big dude that just falls down on the screen and is just funny.

00:13:55.024 --> 00:13:57.504
Pikachu, because obviously it's Pikachu.

00:13:57.666 --> 00:14:00.467
Jigglypuff, because it's cute.

00:14:00.467 --> 00:14:01.765
So cute.

00:14:03.725 --> 00:14:06.187
Charizard was like my favorite as a kid.

00:14:06.187 --> 00:14:10.671
So I have to put that one in there.

00:14:10.730 --> 00:14:13.472
Wait, okay.

00:14:13.472 --> 00:14:21.019
What's the, I painted my face as a kid as I think it's hip.

00:14:21.019 --> 00:14:22.340
Yes, that one.

00:14:22.340 --> 00:14:23.530
Yes, I did.

00:14:23.530 --> 00:14:26.263
I painted my face as that one.

00:14:26.263 --> 00:14:28.965
that was, put that one in there.

00:14:31.470 --> 00:14:32.649
Wait, have I got two more?

00:14:32.649 --> 00:14:34.149
think I've two more.

00:14:34.149 --> 00:14:36.929
Oh! Um...

00:14:36.929 --> 00:14:47.864
Lick a tongue! Hey, those are worth a lot of money.

00:14:48.664 --> 00:14:49.826

00:14:49.826 --> 00:14:51.187
These are my brothers.

00:14:51.187 --> 00:14:52.368
So good.

00:14:53.028 --> 00:14:56.741
nine tails because nine tails is just beautiful.

00:14:56.741 --> 00:14:59.914
I want to be nine tails.

00:14:59.914 --> 00:15:01.635
Okay, I've got one more left.

00:15:01.635 --> 00:15:05.970
I just love that these are all original 151, too.

00:15:05.970 --> 00:15:07.270
These are all Kanto Pokemon.

00:15:07.270 --> 00:15:09.011
So you're like an OG fan.

00:15:09.152 --> 00:15:10.312
I think that actually is six.

00:15:10.312 --> 00:15:11.744
You said Ligatong and then Ninetales.

00:15:11.744 --> 00:15:17.668
But I just want everyone who cannot see Riley right now, she's currently going through a book of Pokemon cards.

00:15:17.668 --> 00:15:20.471
I just want everyone to know that she's using it as a reference to pick her sex.

00:15:20.471 --> 00:15:21.932
And I love that kind of dedication.

00:15:21.932 --> 00:15:24.238
Thank you also, Mama Passfield for bringing that in.

00:15:24.238 --> 00:15:25.556
Yes, thanks mom.

00:15:25.556 --> 00:15:29.308
She just like snuck it up beside me because she's like hearing me struggling.

00:15:29.308 --> 00:15:30.940
She's like, here, you.

00:15:31.961 --> 00:15:33.942
So, okay, final question here.

00:15:33.942 --> 00:15:35.052
This is actually off the cuff.

00:15:35.052 --> 00:15:36.965
I did not plan this, but I am curious.

00:15:36.965 --> 00:15:37.355

00:15:37.355 --> 00:15:46.337
Do you have like a- But do you have like a major inspiration when it comes to, you know, whether it be creativity or makeup or someone that you look up to?

00:15:46.337 --> 00:15:50.758
It could be someone on TikTok, could be a celebrity, it could be an artist of some sort.

00:15:50.758 --> 00:15:57.597
Is there someone that you just kind of look towards when it comes to inspiration, someone that you kind of strive to emulate in certain ways?

00:16:01.118 --> 00:16:05.490
I wouldn't say there's like a one person in particular for me.

00:16:05.490 --> 00:16:09.302
It's just like film and TV collectively as like a thing.

00:16:09.302 --> 00:16:12.764
Like I'm just obsessed with movies and shows.

00:16:12.764 --> 00:16:15.806
So does that?

00:16:16.546 --> 00:16:20.499
Yeah, I think that's I think that's good.

00:16:20.499 --> 00:16:21.679

00:16:21.679 --> 00:16:24.278
Do you have so what is like your what would you say?

00:16:24.278 --> 00:16:25.751
I'm always like a favorite guy.

00:16:25.751 --> 00:16:30.025
Like I don't know how you are, but I always keep these lists in my head of like favorite movies.

00:16:30.025 --> 00:16:31.216
Like I keep all the lists.

00:16:31.216 --> 00:16:32.047

00:16:32.047 --> 00:16:33.826
Do you have a favorite movie of all time?

00:16:33.826 --> 00:16:50.792
My favorite, like I've got so many favorites, but I would say like my favorite favorite one is Joker just because like the acting, the makeup, the costumes, the filming, the music, everything is just like mind blowing, like amazing.

00:16:50.991 --> 00:16:53.773
What, what King Phoenix is amazing in that role too.

00:16:54.653 --> 00:17:04.743
When I, when they first talked about Joker, you know, again, being in the in the zeitgeist of nerd culture and just kind of like always be paying attention to what's going on and new movie releases and all that.

00:17:04.743 --> 00:17:12.423
When they first announced the Joker and they said that Todd Phillips was directing it, who had only directed, I think, the Hangover films at that point.

00:17:12.423 --> 00:17:14.067
I was like, what is this?

00:17:14.067 --> 00:17:16.248
Like, why is this a thing?

00:17:16.248 --> 00:17:18.928
But then when it came out, I was like, my gosh, this is incredible.

00:17:18.928 --> 00:17:21.699
How did they even succeed in this?

00:17:21.699 --> 00:17:22.430
And it's amazing.

00:17:22.430 --> 00:17:24.329
Honestly, I know there are...

00:17:24.663 --> 00:17:28.576
gripes with every film and whatever, but I think overall it's a total success.

00:17:28.576 --> 00:17:30.576
And actually I've seen you quite a bit.

00:17:30.576 --> 00:17:37.641
You know, I even have it in our graphic for this interview that you've as many times I think dressed up as watching Phoenix's Joker.

00:17:37.641 --> 00:17:39.051
Yes, that's what I do.

00:17:39.051 --> 00:17:42.784
Like if I watch a movie, I can't just enjoy it.

00:17:42.784 --> 00:17:44.884
Like I can't just be like, wow, that's a really good movie.

00:17:44.884 --> 00:17:54.094
I have to go home and make the costume and then see that person because I'm like so inspired and like just love it so much.

00:17:54.094 --> 00:17:54.549
I'm like.

00:17:54.549 --> 00:17:56.430
Okay, I need to them now.

00:17:57.951 --> 00:17:59.161
There's something to be said about that.

00:17:59.161 --> 00:18:00.922
There's something, I mean, I honestly, I think that's special.

00:18:00.922 --> 00:18:06.173
I don't know what that really says, but I think that again, as a creative person, when you have that inspiration, you can just kind of run with it.

00:18:06.173 --> 00:18:07.534
You can't think about it too much.

00:18:07.534 --> 00:18:09.104
And I think that that is perfect.

00:18:09.104 --> 00:18:16.682
And I think that perfectly describes, you know, again, whether it's serious or funny, your content that you have on TikTok, it is, it brings joy to people.

00:18:16.682 --> 00:18:24.622
I, again, I want to go back to the other night when I was showing some people your TikTok page, the hilarious, the laughs, whether it was yours or ours.

00:18:24.622 --> 00:18:26.241
was it was just so much fun.

00:18:26.241 --> 00:18:33.721
So I truly, you know, I want to say thank you so much for, sitting down with me today, talking with me.

00:18:33.721 --> 00:18:38.721
I know it was a very brief conversation, but I truly, I cherish the moment that we've had to talk.

00:18:39.061 --> 00:18:41.701
And like we said in the beginning, you're amazing.

00:18:41.701 --> 00:18:42.122
You're amazing.

00:18:42.122 --> 00:18:43.541
Follow over on tick tock.

00:18:43.541 --> 00:18:49.082
And I personally get really excited whenever I see any of your new cosplay videos or really any content that you put out.

00:18:49.082 --> 00:18:53.877
So it was an honor and I would love to have you on any time.

00:18:53.877 --> 00:18:54.778
you're available.

00:18:54.778 --> 00:19:03.601
If you ever have something crazy happen in the world and you want to kind of get it out to a certain group of nerds, definitely let us know at the Oblivion Bar and we will have you on whenever you want.

00:19:04.201 --> 00:19:07.571
before we close out Riley though, do you have anything that you want to plug at all?

00:19:07.571 --> 00:19:11.303
Anything that you want to just kind of round out the conversation with?

00:19:18.845 --> 00:19:20.075
my mom just said so.

00:19:20.075 --> 00:19:21.766
don't know what she said.

00:19:25.773 --> 00:19:27.233
Helping people.

00:19:27.334 --> 00:19:28.433
Helping people.

00:19:28.433 --> 00:19:29.193

00:19:30.233 --> 00:19:31.253

00:19:32.114 --> 00:19:33.153

00:19:33.334 --> 00:19:35.193
We're getting a quick one from Mama Passfield.

00:19:35.193 --> 00:19:36.074

00:19:36.074 --> 00:19:37.233
I'm saying.

00:19:38.933 --> 00:19:40.834
No, I don't want to say that.

00:19:45.061 --> 00:20:04.307
I think my biggest thing, like what I said before is like, to just, I just want, I want my, like my, what's it called, platform to just encourage people to just be themselves and have fun with what they're doing and just, yeah, well, go ahead.

00:20:04.307 --> 00:20:10.249
And remind me one more time, your actual handle over on TikTok, is it Riley95, is that correct?

00:20:10.249 --> 00:20:12.449
Yeah, Riley95, it's R-H-Y.

00:20:14.810 --> 00:20:16.022

00:20:16.022 --> 00:20:18.298
I love it.

00:20:18.298 --> 00:20:18.709

00:20:18.709 --> 00:20:21.244
Well, again, thank you so much, Riley, for being here.

00:20:21.244 --> 00:20:22.307
We appreciate it.

00:20:22.307 --> 00:20:23.588
Thank you.

Rhylee Passfield Profile Photo

Rhylee Passfield

TikTok Sensation

Rhylee Passfield, known to her 2.0 million followers on TikTok as @rhyleep95, has found all kinds of success over on the platform. She is also known for coining the term "cursed cosplay".