The Oblivion Bar: A Comic Book Podcast
A. Lee Martinez Profile Photo

Fantasy Author of 'The Last Adventure of Constance Verity', 'Monster', and 'Gil's All Fright Diner'

A. Lee Martinez is an American fantasy and science fiction author of works like In the Company of Ogres (2006), A Nameless Witch (2007), Too Many Curses (2008), Monster (2009), Divine Misfortune (2010), Chasing the Moon (2011), Emperor Mollusk Versus The Sinister Brain (2012), Helen and Troy's Epic Road Quest (2013), The Last Adventure of Constance Verity (2016), and Constance Verity Saves the World (2018).

Sept. 27, 2021

INTERVIEW: A. Lee Martinez

For episode 54, Chris and Aaron discuss POKEMON TCG is updating its digital platform, FANTASTIC BEASTS 3 gets an official title and a new release date, Nintendo/Universal Pictures announces the impressive voice cast that they...