The Oblivion Bar: A Comic Book Podcast
Daniel Warren Johnson Profile Photo

Comic Book Creator of 'Do A Powerbomb', 'Murder Falcon', 'Beta Ray Bill', and 'Wonder Woman: Dead Earth'

DWJ is a Chicago-based comic book writer, artist and illustrator, with clients including Image, DC, Marvel, Wizards of the Coast, and many others. His creator-owned title, EXTREMITY, was met with popular and critical acclaim, netting him an Eisner Award nomination for Best Limited Series. His other work includes titles such as BETA RAY BILL, THE GHOST FLEET, MURDER FALCON, SPACE-MULLET, and WONDER WOMAN: DEAD EARTH.

Oct. 12, 2023

NYCC INTERVIEW-A-THON: Daniel Warren Johnson

Joining us on the show is the Eisner award-winning comic book creator behind The Ghost Fleet with writer Donny Cates, Extremity and Murder Falcon over at Skybound, the DC Comics’ Black Label smash hit Wonder Woman: Dead Earth...
May 24, 2021

INTERVIEW: Daniel Warren Johnson

For episode 40, Chris and Aaron discuss the brand new teaser trailer for SNAKE EYES: G.I. JOE, DC's BATGIRL film will be helmed by the director duo behind BAD BOYS FOR LIFE, and the new Batman Animated Series set for HBO Max ...