Nov. 20, 2023

INTERVIEW: Geoff Johns & Gary Frank

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INTERVIEW: Geoff Johns & Gary Frank

Joining us this week on the show is the legendary comic book creative team behind titles like The Avengers, Superman: Brainiac, Superman: Secret Origin, Action Comics, Shazam!, Batman: Earth One, and Doomsday Clock.

More recently, they are busy curating a brand-new shared universe named GHOST MACHINE with other acclaimed creators like Jason Fabok, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson, Brad Meltzer, Peter Tomasi, and many, many more. Specifically, they are the creative force behind 'The Glowing Man' Geiger and 'Sunday Funnies robotic hero' Junkyard Joe.

It is our honor to welcome both Geoff Johns and Gary Frank onto The Oblivion Bar Podcast!

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Geoff Johns Profile Photo

Geoff Johns

Comic Book Writer of 'Batman: Earth One', 'Flash Rebirth', 'Doomsday Clock', and Co-Creator of Ghost Machine Productions

Gary Frank Profile Photo

Gary Frank

Comic Book Artist of 'Doomsday Clock', 'Superman: Brainiac', and a Co-Creator of Ghost Machine Productions