“Can you imagine? To be remembered like that?” 🐧💧
News and Notes (7:57)
This week, we discuss George R.R. Martin teasing a new project with Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner set to play Lara Croft in the live-action TOMB RAIDER series, and the Green Lantern John Stewart receives his own bronze statue in Burbank, CA.
Main Topic (25:25)
For our main topic, we review the first Max series in Matt Reeves/Robert Pattinson's Batman universe: The Penguin. In November 2022, one week after the assassination of Carmine Falcone and the destruction of Gotham City's seawall, The Penguin picks up as Oswald "Oz" Cobb attempts to take over the crime underworld of Gotham City.
Aaron’s Arcade (1:17:05)
Chris’ Corner (1:22:26)
Mission Flexible (Supporting military Veterans who are living with post-traumatic stress by providing immersive mindfulness retreats)
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Thank you DreamKid for our Oblivion Bar music
Thank you KXD Studios for our Oblivion Bar art
00:00:00.270 --> 00:00:07.416
Hey, this is Tyler Crook, the co-creator of Harrow County and the creator of The Lonesome Hunters, and you are listening to the Oblivion Bar podcast.
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Welcome to the Oblivion Bar podcast with your host Chris Hacker and Aaron Knowles.
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Hello everyone and welcome to episode 173 of the Oblivion Bar podcast.
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I'm your city counselor slash drophead Chris Hacker and joining me is the dark creature of the night with some serious mommy and daddy issues.
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My co-host and BFF Aaron Oles.
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I'm going to run this goddamn city Vic.
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It's me and you against the whole damn world kid.
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It's pretty good Aaron.
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You've been working on that or is that is that just manufactured right here for the show?
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That's that's like my normal like New York accent.
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Is that what he has?
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Is it like just like a Brooklyn accent essentially?
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I feel like it's either like because here's the thing in this show.
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Gotham City is in New Jersey every time.
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you keep noticing it every time they show somebody's driver's license or ID, it says Gotham like New Jersey.
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that's interesting.
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I was always wondering where because they always say like Gotham is a mixture of like Chicago, New York and you know, maybe parts of like the the bank side of New Jersey.
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I don't know.
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I don't remember where it was, but I remember in like Batman v Superman because, know, like from Lex Luthor's tower, they could literally look across the river and see Gotham.
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Like there was that rivalry.
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So it would be like New York versus New Jersey, which to me is like, that's never been like the correct geography.
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So it's weird that that is the way it is.
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You're so right.
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It's funny.
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I've watched this.
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One of the many problems with the Sachs Schneider DCU, DC EU, I guess is what it was called, was how close two of the major cities in the US were right next to each other, which doesn't make sense because Metropolis is in like the Midwest.
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and Chicago, right?
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And then you have Gotham, which is on the East Coast, which is New York, New York.
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So anyway, point being everybody, we're talking about the Penguin this week.
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It fucking matter.
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It doesn't fucking.
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That's another universe, Aaron.
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We're talking about this world, Episode 173, we're talking about the Penguin.
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Of course, Aaron, we had to delay the discussion of this episode, show, because Aaron was on vacation last week, everybody.
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was a vacation.
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OK, it was a retreat.
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What's the difference between a retreat and a vacation?
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One is more needed than the other.
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What is like necessary for my?
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One is one is like is very like you should go on a vacation every once in Take care of mental health.
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A retreat is something that is kind of necessary for your mental health.
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All right.
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Well, less than 30 words.
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How was that retreat?
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That was one word.
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All right.
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That's all you need.
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One word.
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was amazing.
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was phenomenal.
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Honestly, honestly, it was it was really eye opening.
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And just I don't I don't really have the I could probably do if we if we talk about on the grid I could probably talk about more in depth on the grid But just give folks people who are listening this episode really quick.
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Just what did you do over the last week?
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So actually last weekend I flew to I want to say it was South Carolina I'm really bad with the cities in the Carolinas speaking of geography.
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I exactly do I'm not two things I'm terrible at geography and math and a lot of other things but went to South Carolina and basically spoke to a group of one-wheel riders about shred the stress and hung out with a really good friend of mine, Bart Miller, who is one of the most influential and phenomenal people, like just positive spirits in the one-wheel community.
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like, if you ever look up like one-wheel crash, Bart Miller is the guy that you'll see going like 30 miles an hour on one of the earliest iterations of a one-wheel board with the bud light in his hand and no protective gear.
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So he went from that guy being kind of like that was his what he was known for to now just being one of the most like positive spirits because he learned he learned that when you have that kind of presence in a community you have to be a voice in a platform for good and that's all that he does now is he takes care of people like mind body spirit within the community and he just wants to put the community up on this pedestal and you know like and cultivate the goodness of it because that's what it is to a lot of people it creates us that's why I started shred the stress because it just brings positivity into people's worlds.
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That's awesome.
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Well, like I said, everybody will talk about that more on the grid.
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If you want to hear Aaron talk about his entire retreat, may just spend the entire episode talking about that, because I'm curious.
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I haven't talked to you in over like it's basically been like 10 days since we've had like a full conversation.
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I mean, it's weird because I missed it because like I was like, I haven't texted Chris in so long and I was like, I miss my boy.
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I miss my boy.
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And honestly, like, I think if there's ever a chance that you could go along with it, like, I think that you would do great with I know you're not really like all touchy feely like talk about your feelings in a circle, but like I don't know if you've ever meditated or you've ever considered it like yoga, meditation, like I did some crazy shit.
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I did some fun shit.
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I did some weird shit.
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I did some stuff that I never expected, but I left this week and it was literally got back yesterday and I feel like I'm in a new body, but like with the old pain a little bit.
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like I'm just very, I'm very present in my body from everything that I went through.
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And it's definitely something that I think a lot of veterans need.
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Well, they say that, you know, you don't ever get over trauma.
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You don't get rid of trauma.
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You basically just find new ways to adapt to it.
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It sounds like you're on the right track for that.
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And it's nice to have those kind of situations where you can go off with people who have either similar or, you know, a different type of trauma.
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You guys can sort of compare and contrast.
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And also, I resent the fact that you said that don't talk about my feelings.
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I am sensitive and fragile.
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No, no, I don't mean it like that.
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Like, I don't.
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You're not like somebody who like who I would imagine that goes into like a sharing circle.
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You know, I'm not saying that that's what I did, like I'm an oversharer, but like in like an inappropriate way.
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But I will say this, if anybody's curious about it, make sure you guys go look up mission flexible.
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That was the name of the retreat and the place where the tree retreat was, was up in like, it was up in like the Berkshires, which is in Massachusetts, I believe, but pretty much like 30 minutes away from Albany, New York.
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And the, the location of the retreat was a, was a yoga.
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It actually used to be like a monastery.
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It's called Kripalu, K-R-I-P-A-L-U, and the place is phenomenal.
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It's like a whole different world.
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It's beautiful up there.
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I'll tell you what, we'll go ahead and put a link in the show notes for everybody.
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If you're listening right now and this seems interesting to you, if you're a veteran or what have you, just take a look in the show notes and we'll have some links in there for you.
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But let's move on to the show here.
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got, if you want to support this Tom Foolery that we have here on the Oblivion Bar podcast, there's one very easy way, Aaron, and that's over on Patreon.
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00:06:51.553 --> 00:06:53.615
forward slash oblivion bar pod for your support.
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You can gain access to our weekly bonus episode called the grid, which is basically stream of consciousness.
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Just letting our freak flag fly over there on the grid.
00:07:04.942 --> 00:07:07.014
You hang out with us and the programs.
00:07:07.014 --> 00:07:11.197
You know, we named all the people that are over on Patreon, but we've never actually named ourselves.
00:07:11.197 --> 00:07:12.869
Are we like the flames?
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Is that what we are?
00:07:13.762 --> 00:07:16.110
What are we in the grid?
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they'll have to they'll have to go join the grid to find that out.
00:07:18.757 --> 00:07:20.394
We should discuss that.
00:07:20.718 --> 00:07:26.350
Yeah, not only do get the grid over on Patreon, you also get a look at episode transcripts.
00:07:26.350 --> 00:07:27.629
You could earn some merch.
00:07:27.629 --> 00:07:28.430
We give out free.
00:07:28.430 --> 00:07:33.052
We send out free packages of comics and stickers and all types of stuff that we do over on Patreon.
00:07:33.052 --> 00:07:35.583
So once again, forward slash oblivion bar pod.
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You can give it a seven day free trial.
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So if you want to check it out for free and then decide whether you want to join us over there, we hope that you do go check it out.
00:07:43.394 --> 00:07:45.115
And we're going to get that newsletter kick back off.
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I got to take care of that.
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So that's on me.
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That's my bad.
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That's on me.
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Aaron, we'll start it with the newsletter here probably in the next month or so.
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And yeah.
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All right, everybody, let's go ahead and get into our News and Notes.
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and notes.
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Alrighty, starting us off here with our News and Notes, have George R.R.
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Martin is teasing a new project with Maisie Williams.
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So while updating fans on the progress of the next installment in the Game of Thrones series, Winds of Winter, Aaron, that book will never come out.
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Just it's just not going to happen, guys.
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What was the update on the book?
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I don't know if he had an update on the book, but he had an update on some more television, which is that twist.
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Everybody wins a winner.
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Still happening.
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Still right on.
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Anyway, here's other things.
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Martin Ruessley shared on his blog that he got together with Maisie Williams for pizza and pasta and they talked about dot dot dot.
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Well, no, better not get into that.
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Don't want to jinx it, but it could be much fun is what he says there.
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So it's not like he was speaking directly to his fans like vocally.
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He didn't have to write that.
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That's my biggest gripe with this first bit of news is like he could have just not included it if he was just going to say, I was hanging out with Maisie Williams for a secret project, but I'm not going to tell you anything about it.
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And I can't say anything about it, right?
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Like, doesn't that seem a little, a little weird.
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I just give them the people a little app a teaser.
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He knows his audience.
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I don't know if you're tracking what George RR Martin is often doing over on his blog, but he's just, just putting himself in hot water often.
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Like he, I apparently he went out and critiqued or I should say criticized the game of Thrones.
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Well, house, the dragon show runners, for the season two mix up that doesn't exactly follow the book of fire and blood.
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And he had to immediately delete that.
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But the internet is forever.
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So people, of course, screen-shotted it.
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now I'm assuming whatever things he's planning with Maisie Williams here, if it's not for sure concrete, it's probably on the rocks because they know that George R.R.
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Martin is often going to critique what they do with his properties.
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Why doesn't he just go with George R.R.
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Yeah, I don't know what the two R.R.
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00:10:00.508 --> 00:10:01.729
What are the two R's, Aaron?
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Rescue Ranger?
00:10:21.408 --> 00:10:29.039
you Could be George rescue ranger Martin.
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Why two of them?
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I'm just George R squared Martin.
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It's more pros.
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It's more novelistic.
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Neither one of those adapt what I just said there, but it's okay.
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Anyway, moving on.
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Obviously this is not any, you know, specific shout out to a game of Thrones spinoff.
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This could be anything.
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But as we know, Aaron, I don't know if you've ever, did you ever get back to the final episode of Game of Thrones?
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Like I know you famously.
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You famously have watched the entire series of Game of Thrones minus the last episode.
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So you haven't gone back then.
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I totally forgot about it.
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All right.
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Well, I'm going to spoil or something for you really quick, Aaron.
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00:11:03.201 --> 00:11:10.035
Basically, at the end of the series, Arya Stark decides not to stick around in Westeros and decides to instead hop on a boat and travel west.
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Now, famously that I see that.
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And she kind of wants to go.
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She's a person who kind of goes to the beat of her own drum.
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She's not someone to follow the way of the other characters like she does in the series.
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She's often.
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on her own somewhere else, either in Westeros or in Essos or where have you.
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And fans of Game of Thrones will tell you that when you look at a map of the Fire and Ice world, I don't know if there's an actual world name to it, but basically the map ends at the Sunset Sea, which is the west of Westeros, right out where the Ironborn are.
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So this could lead to some interesting new Game of Thrones material that's not even been seen in the books because again, book readers will tell you.
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Anytime that George talks about the West of Westros, he doesn't really give a definitive answer.
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And all the characters that have gone West have never come back.
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again, being someone who I think has a passing interest of Game of Thrones, but hasn't watched House of the Dragon, hasn't watched the finale of Game of Thrones, what is your thoughts on this?
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Would you be interested in this at all?
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00:12:10.129 --> 00:12:10.549
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If it's not going to follow any kind of like book story line, I could see some interest in it because now I don't have to worry about people going, well, actually, there's nothing wrong with Well, actually, guys, actually pushing the glasses up.
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no, mean, it could be cool.
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I've always liked, you know, it's shows that are like, you know, exploring like that's I mean, to be honest, that's kind of the one thing that I really enjoyed about what's it called?
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How to train your dragon.
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00:12:38.453 --> 00:12:38.754
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You know, the whole idea of hiccup.
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taking his dragon and just kind of exploring different islands and going beyond and pushing the borders of his world.
00:12:47.143 --> 00:13:07.264
I think that that's a really fun concept to add to any universe that has lot of unknowns to it because especially with, again, Game of Thrones, you have different characters, have different religions, you have different belief structures, have different, hell, have different mythological creatures like, know, wyverns and lizards and dragons and all this stuff.
00:13:07.264 --> 00:13:08.691
Who knows what else is out there?
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I'm sure they've...
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I'm sure they've revealed some creatures in probably house of the dragon that we didn't even that we never saw in game of Thrones.
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And so I mean, it could be cool.
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Yeah, they've mentioned Georgia sort of this has never come out in the books, but George has mentioned that like could be that some people that travel west run into like a Kraken or they have like sea dragons.
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Apparently there's there's different type of dragons depending on which terrain you're in.
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They're like Pokemon.
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They sort of change their attributes based on where they're at.
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Avatar, you know.
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Well, speaking of traveling, speaking of Game of Thrones, we have Sophie Turner is set to play Laura Croft in the live action Tomb Raider series.
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Now, for the upcoming Phoebe Waller Bridge adaptation of PlayStation, the PlayStation classic, Deadpool and Wolverine star Emma Corrin and Speak No Evil's Mackenzie Davis were both in consideration.
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But the Game of Thrones star won out in the end.
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Now, Aaron, you recently just I know you you've watched both of these movies, Deadpool, Wolverine and Speak No Evil.
00:14:06.706 --> 00:14:07.846
00:14:08.138 --> 00:14:11.620
Sophie Turner, Emma Corrine and Mackenzie Davis.
00:14:11.620 --> 00:14:14.179
Is Sophie the lead there for you as well?
00:14:14.380 --> 00:14:15.301
Not really.
00:14:15.301 --> 00:14:16.822
I don't really like her.
00:14:16.822 --> 00:14:17.802
You don't like Sophie Turner.
00:14:17.802 --> 00:14:20.243
Is it because of Sansa in the show?
00:14:20.582 --> 00:14:22.394
That might be kind of that might be it.
00:14:22.394 --> 00:14:28.187
I really like Emma Corrine as you know, because she kind of has this very different presence.
00:14:28.187 --> 00:14:28.996
00:14:28.996 --> 00:14:36.193
I don't think from from looking at I mean, again, maybe maybe Sophie Turner will surprise me, but I've always seen.
00:14:36.193 --> 00:14:58.918
Lara Croft is having this kind of, not like a classiness to her, but like, yeah, like a grit that can, much like James Bond and I don't, maybe not James Bond, but she has like, Lara Croft always had this ability kind of go between being very luxurious, very model, like very graceful, very beautiful.
00:14:58.918 --> 00:15:05.836
And then also like really just fucking shit up, you know, in her green tank top and shorts and exploring the jungle.
00:15:05.836 --> 00:15:08.246
which is not really practical at all because of the bugs.
00:15:08.246 --> 00:15:11.427
But I just feel like Sophie Turner.
00:15:11.427 --> 00:15:13.927
And again, maybe she'll surprise me really nicely in this.
00:15:13.927 --> 00:15:17.769
And I just don't see her being able to kind of like bridge that gap.
00:15:17.769 --> 00:15:18.370
00:15:18.370 --> 00:15:19.429
It is an interesting pick.
00:15:19.429 --> 00:15:21.051
I will say that same for me a little bit.
00:15:21.051 --> 00:15:24.451
I honestly, out of these three, I would have maybe picked Mackenzie Davis.
00:15:24.451 --> 00:15:29.383
If you remember, she was also in that Terminator movie from a couple of years ago that no one really saw or liked.
00:15:29.383 --> 00:15:33.268
But I will say that I think Sophie Turner is a good.
00:15:33.268 --> 00:15:38.340
actor overall, you know, it's funny that we're talking about both Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner.
00:15:38.341 --> 00:15:40.422
You could honestly throw Richard Madden.
00:15:40.422 --> 00:15:44.323
You could throw, you know, Kit Harrington, even Amelia Clark.
00:15:44.323 --> 00:15:52.138
All of these characters, all of these actors who were once on Game of Thrones have not really done super well.
00:15:52.138 --> 00:15:53.629
Like you're talking about Maisie Williams.
00:15:53.629 --> 00:15:56.070
I haven't seen her in anything besides Doctor Who.
00:15:56.070 --> 00:16:03.283
And, and, you know, maybe I'm miss speaking here, but most people will tell you that the later Doctor Who's have not been incredible.
00:16:03.522 --> 00:16:05.474
Sophie Turner has showed up as an X-Men.
00:16:05.474 --> 00:16:06.504
was Jean Grey.
00:16:06.504 --> 00:16:07.154
Not great.
00:16:07.154 --> 00:16:08.785
People didn't love that adaptation.
00:16:08.785 --> 00:16:10.376
Otherwise, haven't seen her in anything else.
00:16:10.376 --> 00:16:11.067
Kit Harrington.
00:16:11.067 --> 00:16:13.490
He's obviously the Black Knight in The Eternals.
00:16:13.490 --> 00:16:15.951
Haven't seen anything from The Eternals since then.
00:16:16.172 --> 00:16:19.394
You've got Amelia Clarke, Secret Invasion, Need I Say More.
00:16:19.394 --> 00:16:20.414
Not great.
00:16:20.414 --> 00:16:22.606
She was good in The Pod Generation though, I will say that.
00:16:22.606 --> 00:16:27.821
Small indie film with, I'm forgetting the name of the studio now, but she was good in that.
00:16:27.821 --> 00:16:33.587
And then- I Amelia Clarke- not too long ago released her own comics like series.
00:16:33.587 --> 00:16:36.529
It was called like Mother or Mama or something like that.
00:16:36.529 --> 00:16:42.833
know she so and that seemed to do I mean pretty well from the amount of times I saw that kind of like selling out on shelves.
00:16:42.833 --> 00:16:55.542
So I don't I don't I mean I see I could see her absolutely doing like a like a Lara Croft because didn't wasn't there another like a show Lara Croft that was that not her?
00:16:55.758 --> 00:17:00.918
So Tomb Raider there was obviously the newer games, but I don't think there's been a TV series at all.
00:17:00.918 --> 00:17:04.057
No, it was hold on There was a movie.
00:17:04.057 --> 00:17:06.077
I'm Alicia Vikander.
00:17:06.077 --> 00:17:07.948
Yeah, she was in Ex Machina.
00:17:07.948 --> 00:17:09.087
She's been a lot of things obviously.
00:17:09.087 --> 00:17:20.897
Yeah, Alicia Vikander I think is like perfect casting I wish they could continue to do something with that with her interpretation But of course, you know when something bombs in Hollywood often that's how that's your loss.
00:17:20.897 --> 00:17:33.819
Yeah, like you you've lost your chance on trying anymore but You know, when previously teasing the project, Waller-Bridge said there's not, and it's funny that she says what I'm about to read her quote here, because you mentioned this with James Bond.
00:17:33.819 --> 00:17:37.570
She's directly referring James Bond as an inspiration here.
00:17:37.570 --> 00:17:41.501
So again, when previously teasing the project, Waller-Bridge said, there's only so much I can incorporate.
00:17:41.501 --> 00:17:45.643
mean, the character of Lara Croft was inspired by Indiana Jones and James Bond.
00:17:45.643 --> 00:17:46.641
So I think you were right, Aaron.
00:17:46.641 --> 00:17:57.238
think that James Bond, Indiana Jones, you could even say what's that PlayStation series that people really liked for And what is it called?
00:17:57.238 --> 00:17:58.518
We are losing our words today.
00:17:58.518 --> 00:18:00.157
We cannot know anything.
00:18:00.157 --> 00:18:02.018
It's un.
00:18:02.218 --> 00:18:04.978
Uncharted, uncharted, as close.
00:18:04.998 --> 00:18:06.228
Unfucking chartable.
00:18:06.228 --> 00:18:07.167
Was that Tom Holland?
00:18:07.167 --> 00:18:09.798
He fucking nailed that Tom Holland.
00:18:09.998 --> 00:18:12.567
Mark Wahlberg, I actually really enjoyed that one.
00:18:12.567 --> 00:18:13.978
I didn't like it at all.
00:18:13.978 --> 00:18:15.028
You don't have to.
00:18:15.028 --> 00:18:15.708
You don't have to.
00:18:15.708 --> 00:18:17.417
I loved it.
00:18:17.417 --> 00:18:18.657
It's like my sense of humor.
00:18:18.657 --> 00:18:19.357
You don't have to laugh.
00:18:19.357 --> 00:18:21.817
As long as I laugh, I'm fucking funny.
00:18:22.357 --> 00:18:34.053
Not my uncharitable, unfucking charitable Tomb Raider general manager Dallas Dixon and the game producers from the 2008 shadow of the Tomb Raider are set to be involved with the series.
00:18:34.053 --> 00:18:41.666
This of course is being produced by Amazon Studios in conjunction with MGM and will produce a film along with this series as well.
00:18:41.666 --> 00:18:42.767
At some point.
00:18:42.817 --> 00:18:44.607
A lot of investment.
00:18:44.928 --> 00:18:46.568
That was about to say you're so right.
00:18:46.568 --> 00:18:51.595
That seems a little premature everybody, but That seems to be what Amazon is doing.
00:18:51.595 --> 00:18:54.896
They're just throwing money at the wall and hoping that franchises stick.
00:18:54.896 --> 00:19:03.602
I mean, if they continue to do the same quality they did with Fallout and, you know, from and some of these other shows that I about rings of fire.
00:19:03.602 --> 00:19:05.301
Is that is that one good?
00:19:05.383 --> 00:19:06.292
Is that rings of fire?
00:19:06.292 --> 00:19:10.365
Is that the is that the that's the are you talking about the Lord of the Rings?
00:19:10.365 --> 00:19:11.586
I have not.
00:19:11.885 --> 00:19:15.218
I've not watched a people fucking love it, man.
00:19:15.218 --> 00:19:16.167
You get black hour.
00:19:16.167 --> 00:19:17.219
think it's called actually.
00:19:17.219 --> 00:19:17.538
00:19:17.538 --> 00:19:18.078
Rings of power.
00:19:18.078 --> 00:19:22.262
If you if you I've never seen a black elf before, you know.
00:19:22.523 --> 00:19:24.035
It's a new day in age, It is.
00:19:24.035 --> 00:19:25.305
00:19:26.306 --> 00:19:26.683
All right.
00:19:26.683 --> 00:19:28.906
Well, anyway, take us into our last of the news here.
00:19:28.906 --> 00:19:31.489
Lego lost contact with my father, you know.
00:19:31.489 --> 00:19:35.921
I really hate my father.
00:19:35.921 --> 00:19:39.292
Here's a quick question before we move on to the next bit of news and notes.
00:19:39.673 --> 00:19:40.913
How did you feel?
00:19:40.913 --> 00:19:42.785
And I know you don't fucking lie to me.
00:19:42.785 --> 00:19:48.288
How did you feel about Tomb Raider movies with Angelina Jolie?
00:19:48.501 --> 00:19:54.481
I think that when I was a kid, I thought they were silly and stupid, but as I've gotten older, I've grown to appreciate them on a whole new level.
00:19:54.481 --> 00:19:57.130
I think they're actually really fun action films.
00:19:57.130 --> 00:20:08.319
They're like, I'm starting to not like the idea of turn your brain off that like thought of like, turn your brain off and have fun because that implies that like the people that made these movies had to turn their brain off to create them.
00:20:08.319 --> 00:20:09.401
I'm not a big fan of that.
00:20:09.401 --> 00:20:15.846
I will say they're just sort of leisurely action films that are sexy and just sort of like action packed.
00:20:15.849 --> 00:20:16.380
00:20:16.380 --> 00:20:21.515
I mean, I think that I can enjoy them for the same reason I enjoyed them when I was an adolescent.
00:20:21.515 --> 00:20:22.056
00:20:22.056 --> 00:20:25.117
And also between those lines, if you want to everybody.
00:20:25.117 --> 00:20:25.958
00:20:27.420 --> 00:20:28.070
I mean, they are.
00:20:28.070 --> 00:20:29.632
They're fun romps.
00:20:29.632 --> 00:20:32.473
They're basically like video games that you don't have to play.
00:20:32.473 --> 00:20:33.075
They're silly.
00:20:33.075 --> 00:20:34.286
They're crazy.
00:20:35.117 --> 00:20:37.778
almost unbelievable and unrealistic at times.
00:20:37.778 --> 00:20:41.401
I mean, so is so many other things.
00:20:41.401 --> 00:20:44.821
So is mission impossible, you know, and we love those series.
00:20:44.821 --> 00:20:46.212
So it's like it is what it is, man.
00:20:46.212 --> 00:20:47.482
You know, don't I get it.
00:20:47.482 --> 00:20:47.853
I agree.
00:20:47.853 --> 00:21:01.348
Don't necessarily turn your brain off, because when you turn your brain off, that means that implies that you don't have to enjoy it like your brains there to enjoy things and interpret things that you want to like remember and enjoy and think are silly and crazy.
00:21:01.348 --> 00:21:02.958
I pick apart movies all the time.
00:21:02.958 --> 00:21:04.330
It doesn't mean I don't like them.
00:21:04.330 --> 00:21:06.271
You know, mean, I don't think about them.
00:21:06.271 --> 00:21:08.612
actually here's one thing I try and do some movies that are terrible.
00:21:08.612 --> 00:21:10.603
I try and make it work in my brain.
00:21:10.603 --> 00:21:13.763
I try and figure out how to fill those plot holes sometimes.
00:21:13.763 --> 00:21:15.784
And I and I enjoy that.
00:21:16.065 --> 00:21:16.444
00:21:16.444 --> 00:21:16.634
00:21:16.634 --> 00:21:18.785
I mean, there are plenty of dumb movies out there that we love.
00:21:18.785 --> 00:21:27.827
mean, I think the classic example that we often go to is like Starship Troopers that a lot for a long time people thought was like a very silly sort of throw away action film.
00:21:27.827 --> 00:21:33.644
But there's like a lot of subtext in that movie that is purposely campy because they're poking fun.
00:21:33.644 --> 00:21:39.797
at a lot of industries, not only in the US, but in the world that are terrible, right?
00:21:39.797 --> 00:21:48.580
You know, like nationalism and our militarization of everything and how we sort of provoke our youth to join the military, to fight the good, you know, and all that stuff.
00:21:48.580 --> 00:21:50.662
Like only a good bug is a dead bug.
00:21:50.662 --> 00:21:54.222
It's literally speaking on like the war on terrorism.
00:21:55.003 --> 00:21:56.604
yeah, anyway, I totally agree.
00:21:56.604 --> 00:22:00.397
I'm sort of done with the idea of like turn your brain off and have fun stuff because...
00:22:00.397 --> 00:22:02.198
while you can think about it less.
00:22:02.198 --> 00:22:07.867
Not everything has to be so thought provoking and and dour like I'm past my age 24 phase, Aaron.
00:22:07.867 --> 00:22:10.038
I'm ready to like I want to see colors and lights.
00:22:10.038 --> 00:22:11.597
All right.
00:22:11.597 --> 00:22:12.008
00:22:12.008 --> 00:22:13.057
Hundred ten percent.
00:22:13.057 --> 00:22:14.478
Hundred ten percent.
00:22:14.478 --> 00:22:17.327
So next next up is the Green Lantern.
00:22:17.327 --> 00:22:24.678
You know, one of the Green Lanterns, John Stewart has received his own bronze statue in Burbank, California.
00:22:24.678 --> 00:22:25.637
Can you believe that?
00:22:25.637 --> 00:22:26.561
I believe it.
00:22:26.561 --> 00:22:34.868
So back in 2020 Warner Brothers for me, our life size Batman statue in Burbank last year, Wonder Woman received her own seven and a half foot tall.
00:22:34.868 --> 00:22:36.299
Yes, mommy bronze statue.
00:22:36.299 --> 00:22:37.691
Yes, mommy.
00:22:38.271 --> 00:22:40.433
I will go there and I will leave my mark.
00:22:40.433 --> 00:22:42.654
My studio tour Hollywood.
00:22:42.654 --> 00:22:43.761
So you're have to leave.
00:22:43.761 --> 00:22:47.059
You're going to step away from the bronze statue.
00:22:47.059 --> 00:22:50.913
Put your pants on and step away from one.
00:22:50.913 --> 00:22:54.647
One would assume the man of steel would be next to complete the DC Trinity.
00:22:54.647 --> 00:22:57.779
But that's not the case, as already explained.
00:22:57.780 --> 00:23:08.498
DC's Green Lantern Corps member, John Stewart, stands as a symbol of willpower and keeper of the law and order for visitors and residents of Burbank as a seven and a half foot tall bronze statue.
00:23:08.498 --> 00:23:17.977
And it was unveiled recently at a ceremony at Empire Center's Hangar 28, which is weird because that's my favorite number in Burbank.
00:23:18.076 --> 00:23:23.854
So John Stewart represents an important milestone in DC history as our first modern black costume superhero.
00:23:23.854 --> 00:23:30.614
Debuting in Green Lantern, 87, published October of 71, said DC chief creative officer Jim Lee.
00:23:30.614 --> 00:23:33.354
Love that guy who hates me.
00:23:33.354 --> 00:23:51.523
For writer Dennis O'Neill, and artist Neil Adams to create a character like Jon Stewart was nothing short of visionary as it broke a lot of the usual conventions when it came to the superheroes, or two superheroes, excuse me, including his being one of the few to not wear a mask in his role as Green Lantern to hide who he is.
00:23:51.523 --> 00:23:53.900
He's Jon Stewart, period.
00:23:53.900 --> 00:23:55.790
That's that's actually really interesting, Aaron.
00:23:55.790 --> 00:23:58.732
I'm just hearing Jim Lee talk about that really quickly.
00:23:58.732 --> 00:24:01.684
He is the only Green Lantern doesn't have an eye cowl, right?
00:24:01.684 --> 00:24:03.096
Like how Jordan has one.
00:24:03.096 --> 00:24:08.730
I guess Guy Gardner doesn't have one in the in like the newer series, but he did at one point.
00:24:08.730 --> 00:24:16.455
And yeah, it's interesting, you know, and we sort of talked about this a couple of weeks ago about how we had Rebel Ridges starring actor Aaron.
00:24:16.455 --> 00:24:17.355
Tell me his name again.
00:24:17.355 --> 00:24:19.268
Aaron Pierce, think was Aaron Pierce.
00:24:19.268 --> 00:24:28.054
Aaron Pierce has recently been cast as Jon Stewart and James Gunn and Peter Saffron's DCU and people had some issues with it.
00:24:28.054 --> 00:24:32.719
Again, we won't really rehash that because it's sort of silly from Aaron and I's perspective.
00:24:32.719 --> 00:24:34.470
But no, I think that's super cool.
00:24:34.470 --> 00:24:43.847
think it's honestly I think it was probably a bold and intentional choice not to just, you know, put Superman up there next.
00:24:43.847 --> 00:24:50.763
So I'm glad because I mean, to be honest, not a lot of superheroes have their own towns.
00:24:51.946 --> 00:24:54.357
Metropolis, is I think is Illinois.
00:24:54.357 --> 00:24:55.428
want to say.
00:24:55.826 --> 00:24:56.241
00:24:56.241 --> 00:24:57.670
And so in there.
00:24:57.690 --> 00:24:58.490
00:24:58.490 --> 00:25:01.571
And so just an interesting, interesting thought there.
00:25:01.571 --> 00:25:03.753
But again, the statue looks amazing.
00:25:03.753 --> 00:25:05.645
I'm excited for it.
00:25:05.815 --> 00:25:07.135
And yeah.
00:25:07.135 --> 00:25:08.155
Did you see the unveiling?
00:25:08.155 --> 00:25:11.637
Did you see how Jim Lee struggled to get the curtain off of the statue itself?
00:25:11.637 --> 00:25:12.838
It was really funny.
00:25:13.759 --> 00:25:14.619
No comment.
00:25:14.619 --> 00:25:17.605
Jim Lee is a short man, everybody, but he's also a very talented man.
00:25:17.605 --> 00:25:18.468
00:25:18.519 --> 00:25:20.404
All right, I'll do it for our news and notes everybody.
00:25:20.404 --> 00:25:24.176
Let's go ahead and get into our main topic, which of course is reviewing the penguin.
00:25:24.176 --> 00:25:26.152
Let's go and get over there right now.
00:25:35.693 --> 00:25:38.354
Alrighty, here we are talking about the penguin again.
00:25:38.354 --> 00:25:38.953
Spoilers ahead.
00:25:38.953 --> 00:25:43.614
We're going to talk about this entire series front to back, side to side, the whole business.
00:25:43.614 --> 00:25:46.173
Aaron, initial thoughts on the penguin.
00:25:46.173 --> 00:25:49.554
They're to tell stories about us one day, kid.
00:25:49.574 --> 00:25:52.074
We're going to roll the whole damn city, Vic.
00:25:52.413 --> 00:25:59.513
I am still in awe of everything that occurred during this show.
00:26:00.173 --> 00:26:03.309
goddamn Colin Farrell, man.
00:26:03.309 --> 00:26:23.816
Colin like it's Colin Farrell in this Colin Farrell like it's honestly every like so many people in this show just Crushed every scene that they were in and it's so good I am so like I am this this might be my favorite show of the year of I don't know the last few years It's so good.
00:26:23.816 --> 00:26:25.136
It's so good.
00:26:25.136 --> 00:26:35.858
Yeah, this is a prime example everybody of when Aaron and I you hear us ranting terribly about how bad something is on the show, specifically superhero related material.
00:26:35.960 --> 00:26:39.560
We're often mad because this is the benchmark right here.
00:26:39.560 --> 00:26:48.423
This show represents the best version of what this genre, if you want to call it that, this sub genre of film, television, what have you.
00:26:48.522 --> 00:26:53.484
The Penguin is like elevated superhero-isms.
00:26:53.484 --> 00:26:59.125
know, like this show just adds context to a character that was already super interesting in the Batman.
00:26:59.147 --> 00:27:02.890
Go back, Aaron, try to remember you and I, went to go see the Batman together.
00:27:02.890 --> 00:27:04.319
I came and visited you in Tennessee.
00:27:04.319 --> 00:27:05.340
We had a great time with it.
00:27:05.340 --> 00:27:08.332
Remember whenever we first saw the Batmobile, was euphoric.
00:27:08.332 --> 00:27:10.083
We both came at the same time.
00:27:10.083 --> 00:27:12.794
And remember, at least I was thinking this.
00:27:12.794 --> 00:27:15.025
I think you were thinking this at the same time.
00:27:15.025 --> 00:27:19.547
The penguin, anytime you showed up on screen, just, Colin Farrell just took it over.
00:27:19.547 --> 00:27:19.826
00:27:19.826 --> 00:27:22.959
He's like, you're right, sweetheart.
00:27:22.959 --> 00:27:25.769
Am I the only person here that knows between law and hell?
00:27:26.486 --> 00:27:40.109
Like this, this guy, again, like you just sort of mentioned a moment ago, he just sort of melts into this new person when he becomes Oswald Cobblepot or Oz, Oz Cobb, as he's shown in this movie or show, excuse me.
00:27:40.410 --> 00:27:41.230
It's, incredible.
00:27:41.230 --> 00:27:42.750
As Aaron said, I absolutely love it.
00:27:42.750 --> 00:27:50.528
think again, as you said, one of my favorite shows of the year, it's honestly between this house, the dragon season two, ironically, another HBO series.
00:27:50.528 --> 00:27:51.383
They've been absolutely killing it.
00:27:51.383 --> 00:27:53.493
We've got dune prophecy right around the corner too.
00:27:53.493 --> 00:27:55.513
Could be another incredible show from them.
00:27:56.335 --> 00:28:06.761
Talk about a studio that is often in flux and often stepping its own way on its own tail and just consistently putting out banger after banger.
00:28:06.761 --> 00:28:07.982
How do they do it?
00:28:07.982 --> 00:28:19.301
It's been honestly, it's been a long time since they've had so many like they were relying for for quite a while on these like on these certain IPs that were just, you know, you know, I guess universally renowned.
00:28:19.301 --> 00:28:21.693
I mean, like your sex in the cities and things like that.
00:28:21.693 --> 00:28:22.647
And it was just like.
00:28:22.647 --> 00:28:27.881
They had a lead on them and it had been a long time and now they're doing some phenomenal work, some really phenomenal.
00:28:27.881 --> 00:28:32.653
They got some great teams here and I'm so excited for what, you know, like HBO for a while.
00:28:32.653 --> 00:28:34.765
It was like, do I really need this?
00:28:34.765 --> 00:28:36.006
Do I really need the streaming app?
00:28:36.006 --> 00:28:37.767
And now it's like, fucking want it, man.
00:28:37.767 --> 00:28:40.729
I think, I think Max might be my favorite streaming service.
00:28:40.729 --> 00:28:44.651
And I've been someone, Aaron, I famously have sort of purged a lot of my streaming services.
00:28:44.651 --> 00:28:45.701
I got rid of Netflix.
00:28:45.701 --> 00:28:48.452
I got rid of Amazon Prime.
00:28:48.452 --> 00:28:54.299
I got rid of Hulu, course, Disney Plus is on the chopping block, to be honest.
00:28:54.339 --> 00:28:55.539
But Max has been one.
00:28:55.539 --> 00:29:02.103
It's like Max and Peacock are two that I have honestly not once thought of getting rid of, because I think they just consistently put out hits.
00:29:02.103 --> 00:29:05.924
Peacock is the home of the office and parks and rec, so I have to keep it.
00:29:05.924 --> 00:29:13.347
But Max is often putting out not only good television series like The Penguin, House the Dragon, the franchise, which is really good as well.
00:29:13.347 --> 00:29:15.628
They also have like a good catalog of movies as well.
00:29:15.628 --> 00:29:17.346
So I'm curious really quick, though.
00:29:17.346 --> 00:29:18.175
How did you watch this?
00:29:18.175 --> 00:29:19.227
Did you watch it weekly?
00:29:19.227 --> 00:29:20.707
Did you purge it all at once?
00:29:20.707 --> 00:29:23.127
What was sort of your way of going about this?
00:29:23.249 --> 00:29:24.828
I watched a few episodes at a time.
00:29:24.828 --> 00:29:27.200
I didn't purge it all at once or binge it.
00:29:27.200 --> 00:29:28.190
Excuse me.
00:29:28.290 --> 00:29:34.373
For instance, you know, I got back yesterday and I'd only watched up to season four or episode, excuse me, episode four.
00:29:34.373 --> 00:29:39.555
And so I think we watched like three episodes last night.
00:29:39.695 --> 00:29:45.657
And then this morning we watched the final one and it was, yeah, I'm glad I kind of left.
00:29:45.710 --> 00:29:54.349
like episode seven to kind of stew and then wake up to watch episode eight and yeah, I'm, I'm still unpacking.
00:29:54.349 --> 00:29:59.250
I'm still unpacking episode eight cause that was a wild ride, but there's, and we'll get, we'll get into that why.
00:29:59.250 --> 00:30:08.170
And maybe you can help me kind of sift through the, the, the, the wreckage of, I'm not, know, not to give too many spoilers, the records of episode seven.
00:30:08.990 --> 00:30:09.690
we're going to spoil it.
00:30:09.690 --> 00:30:11.130
let's unpack it all.
00:30:12.589 --> 00:30:13.390
That's right.
00:30:13.390 --> 00:30:21.015
Well, I will say just sort of before we get into everything here, the Penguin is one of those series that I could definitely see a season two for.
00:30:21.155 --> 00:30:24.729
I think at some point this character is too interesting to not get like a second season.
00:30:24.729 --> 00:30:29.962
I really not to spoil like our rating going forward, but I think hopefully we see something more from this character.
00:30:29.962 --> 00:30:42.955
I would like a season two, but at the same time, even if they just like focused like refocus on a different villain or character and then had and then like started bringing them in and almost start almost doing like a rogue's gallery.
00:30:42.955 --> 00:30:52.259
Yeah, build up, you know, like kind of what we've wanted to see in some of these like Spider-Man from the Sinister six and some of these other universes kind of really giving us what we wanted.
00:30:52.259 --> 00:30:55.932
But the Rose Gallery of the Gotham, you know, underbelly.
00:30:55.932 --> 00:30:57.422
I actually like that idea a lot more.
00:30:57.422 --> 00:30:58.353
I think you're so right.
00:30:58.353 --> 00:31:07.746
Like what if an after every Batman movie we focus on one sub character of that previous movie and sort of deep dive into why they're important to the overall story and to Gotham as a whole.
00:31:07.746 --> 00:31:08.215
00:31:08.215 --> 00:31:08.605
All right.
00:31:08.605 --> 00:31:10.670
Well, here's the synopsis for the Penguin, of course.
00:31:10.670 --> 00:31:25.400
If you're listening to this, probably have already watched the series, but in November of twenty twenty two, one week after the assassination of Carmine Falcone and the destruction of Gotham City's seawall, the Penguin picks up as Oswald Oz Cobb attempts to take over the crime underworld of Gotham City.
00:31:25.400 --> 00:31:32.444
Now, the Batman director, Matt Reeves and executive producer Dylan Clark are also executive producers on this series.
00:31:32.444 --> 00:31:40.268
HBO and Warner Brothers initially began development on another spinoff series focused on Gotham City's police department, otherwise known as the G.C.P.D.
00:31:40.268 --> 00:31:46.480
But by early March, twenty, twenty two, when HBO was bought by Discovery, the series had been put on indefinite hold.
00:31:46.480 --> 00:31:53.875
So I think certain elements of that series that was also being developed by Matt Reeves was sort of incorporated into this series as well.
00:31:53.875 --> 00:31:56.527
I think there's certain parts of the series that make that pretty evident.
00:31:56.527 --> 00:31:59.648
And then speaking of Reeves, he had the penguins name.
00:31:59.648 --> 00:32:08.752
And I sort of touched on this earlier as a name changed from Oswald Cobblepot from the comics to Oswald or Oz Cobb to make the character seem more grounded and realistic.
00:32:08.874 --> 00:32:10.086
Do you like that change, Aaron?
00:32:10.086 --> 00:32:11.465
Not really.
00:32:11.486 --> 00:32:12.487
Me neither.
00:32:12.487 --> 00:32:23.852
To be honest, I don't think that that was a necessary change because I mean, whether people called him Oz or Cobb for short, think it was like Cobblepot, which is it's just a name.
00:32:23.852 --> 00:32:25.972
know, it's sort of synonymous with the character too.
00:32:25.972 --> 00:32:31.355
It also, mean, yeah, but also doesn't have any impact on who he is in this universe.
00:32:31.355 --> 00:32:33.457
Like it doesn't have any, it doesn't hold weight.
00:32:33.457 --> 00:32:37.026
Like if you know anything about the, know, any other...
00:32:37.026 --> 00:32:46.411
Batman franchise world, you know that the Cobble pots were like another infamous, like wealthy family in Gotham and in its history, like leading back a long time.
00:32:46.411 --> 00:32:50.423
But honestly, like that's just something that that you'd have to dig into.
00:32:50.423 --> 00:32:52.354
And I didn't think it was a necessary change.
00:32:52.354 --> 00:32:57.436
Yeah, I think sometimes these small changes don't really mean much for the story or it maybe even enhances the story.
00:32:57.436 --> 00:33:00.919
Like, for instance, his lean has walked in the series.
00:33:00.919 --> 00:33:04.961
What a great fucking explanation for why he leans when he'd walk.
00:33:04.961 --> 00:33:06.665
He looks like a penguin, everybody.
00:33:06.665 --> 00:33:07.557
It looks awesome.
00:33:07.557 --> 00:33:09.587
He walks exactly.
00:33:09.587 --> 00:33:11.818
It was so it really reminded me.
00:33:11.818 --> 00:33:18.323
And this is one of the small redeeming factors of the first of the actual the Suicide Squad.
00:33:18.323 --> 00:33:19.492
Mm hmm.
00:33:19.493 --> 00:33:22.464
Where you're talking about James Gunn's Suicide Squad.
00:33:22.464 --> 00:33:28.548
No, the it was that so suit was it's the Suicide Squad was James Gunn's Suicide Squad was David Error.
00:33:28.548 --> 00:33:28.888
00:33:28.888 --> 00:33:29.349
Is David.
00:33:29.349 --> 00:33:29.569
00:33:29.569 --> 00:33:37.779
So Suicide Squad with Killer Croc and him having that like sway, that crocodilian sway, you know?
00:33:37.779 --> 00:33:46.223
Like it was one of the many, not many, one of the few redeeming moments where it just was so well done.
00:33:47.057 --> 00:33:51.547
I love that about that killer croc in that show, because he just had that sway to him.
00:33:51.547 --> 00:33:57.450
The same way like a crocodile, if you ever watch a crocodile swim in the swamp, it just kind of like curves its way through the water.
00:33:57.570 --> 00:34:04.013
That was the same way that Colin Farrell did this walk, and it was just so fucking...
00:34:04.013 --> 00:34:04.973
Well done.
00:34:04.973 --> 00:34:05.324
00:34:05.324 --> 00:34:09.204
And I actually went back and watched the Batman here recently and you don't really, it's weird.
00:34:09.204 --> 00:34:10.293
It's weird to say this, everybody.
00:34:10.293 --> 00:34:15.333
You don't really see Oz walk in that show very much, if at all.
00:34:15.333 --> 00:34:21.244
Like I think at one point he walked out of Carmine Falcone's like pool room, but you don't really get to see his movement.
00:34:21.244 --> 00:34:23.054
So it was a cool touch.
00:34:23.054 --> 00:34:36.230
And I think to see them sort of integrate that into future Batman installments, whether that be movies or series, I think again, it just, it's a small thing that explains his like, Penguin esque moves like why do they call him the penguin?
00:34:36.230 --> 00:34:36.909
00:34:36.909 --> 00:34:39.190
Well, I would imagine it's probably that walk.
00:34:39.190 --> 00:34:58.809
I will the walk also and the way that I looked at him and one thing we didn't get an explanation of at all during the show was like his scars on his face because if you look at his face, his nose is almost beak like but also if you look at the way that his the scarring was on his face, it kind of went almost like in a beak quality also kind of so sure.
00:34:58.809 --> 00:35:04.795
all that together gave him almost this like beak like quality to his face with everything.
00:35:04.795 --> 00:35:08.099
So he did, he had the walk and he had the scars and his nose.
00:35:08.099 --> 00:35:12.481
So it all kind of again, formed this like penguin-esque like mannerism.
00:35:12.481 --> 00:35:12.831
00:35:12.831 --> 00:35:15.284
Especially when he smiles, he definitely looks like a bird.
00:35:15.284 --> 00:35:15.715
00:35:15.715 --> 00:35:27.353
Aaron, why don't you get into the next phase of the DC, I would say the DC universe, the DC studios part of this world, essentially what this world is eventually going to sort of go on to.
00:35:27.353 --> 00:35:27.614
00:35:27.614 --> 00:35:39.469
So after James Gunn and Peter Safran became the co-CEOs of DC studios in 2022 November future project for Reeves the Batman shared universe were set to be overseen by that same studio.
00:35:39.469 --> 00:35:53.380
So when announcing the first projects the DC universe or DCU in January of 2023 Gunn said any project that did not fit into the DCU shared universe would be labeled as DC else worlds, which I actually really like moving forward.
00:35:53.380 --> 00:35:58.150
So Reeves Batman shared universe is set to be a part of this else world labels.
00:35:58.150 --> 00:36:00.237
Now, from what I understand.
00:36:00.237 --> 00:36:04.228
Even the Joker movies are else world.
00:36:04.228 --> 00:36:20.847
Yeah, and I would be surprised if they're still in the same Same else world like maybe it's just a different maybe there's multiple else worlds And this is you know, because I don't see a connection between those but even though some people have kind of like Like kind of created their own like fan connections.
00:36:20.847 --> 00:36:36.614
Yeah, so yeah They definitely don't take place in the same world because the Joker takes place in like this world with this weird 1970s Gotham whereas The Gotham that we're seeing in modern day, like especially if you watch the Batman and even just like I said in the synopsis, it's said in the synopsis of the show.
00:36:36.614 --> 00:36:38.456
This takes place in November of twenty twenty two.
00:36:38.456 --> 00:36:41.898
I like the idea of sort of mashing them together and seeing the similarities.
00:36:41.898 --> 00:36:43.880
But in reality, these are two very different worlds.
00:36:43.880 --> 00:36:47.481
And to be honest, after watching the new Joker, I'm so glad that they are.
00:36:47.481 --> 00:36:47.791
00:36:47.791 --> 00:36:52.295
Well, the thought was like that this was like the Joker is almost a prequel.
00:36:52.295 --> 00:36:52.525
00:36:52.525 --> 00:36:52.826
00:36:52.826 --> 00:36:53.927
So like, again, yeah.
00:36:53.927 --> 00:36:58.309
If you've seen the end of the Joker, you know that Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is not the Joker.
00:36:58.309 --> 00:36:59.054
He is.
00:36:59.054 --> 00:37:02.253
like maybe an inspiration for the eventual Joker.
00:37:02.474 --> 00:37:03.483
Sorry, spoilers for everybody.
00:37:03.483 --> 00:37:04.463
If you haven't seen Folly, I do.
00:37:04.463 --> 00:37:05.454
It is terrible.
00:37:05.454 --> 00:37:05.813
00:37:05.813 --> 00:37:06.403
It's not good.
00:37:06.403 --> 00:37:07.074
Don't watch it.
00:37:07.074 --> 00:37:08.454
Just let me spoil it for you.
00:37:08.454 --> 00:37:10.083
We got a show runner here.
00:37:10.083 --> 00:37:12.143
Lauren Lefrock, Lefrak.
00:37:12.143 --> 00:37:12.943
Is that how say that?
00:37:12.943 --> 00:37:16.193
Aaron Lefrank, Lefrank, Lefrank, Lauren Lefrank.
00:37:16.193 --> 00:37:20.403
She was the writer and the show runner for Chuck and agents of shield.
00:37:20.403 --> 00:37:22.293
Aaron, you're a fan of agents of shield, correct?
00:37:22.293 --> 00:37:22.614
00:37:22.614 --> 00:37:26.942
I'm a fan of both of those, which this is this show is.
00:37:26.942 --> 00:37:37.927
a true evolution and like from that it's sure I would not have I would never have I would never have expected this show to come from the same person who was the showrunner for those.
00:37:37.927 --> 00:37:39.106
Yeah, never.
00:37:39.228 --> 00:37:43.248
You know, I've only seen small bits of ages of the shield and I have not seen any of Chuck.
00:37:43.248 --> 00:37:52.333
But as you said, the series is I say this respectfully and I don't want to denigrate Lauren's and you know, her running of this series because this is totally her baby.
00:37:52.333 --> 00:37:54.193
But it just feels like it's so.
00:37:54.378 --> 00:37:58.880
easily integrates into Matt Reeves vision of what this Batman world is, right?
00:37:58.880 --> 00:38:07.567
Like, obviously he was an executive producer, but like we've seen, you know, different interpretations of the same universe and they looked wildly different.
00:38:07.567 --> 00:38:08.958
I feel like this just so seamlessly.
00:38:08.958 --> 00:38:17.452
And I think that's part of the charm too, is that this series is so believably in that same universe of 2022's Matt Reeves Batman.
00:38:17.514 --> 00:38:23.925
honestly feels like just a genuine continuation of the Batman.
00:38:23.925 --> 00:38:25.666
minus him not being in the series.
00:38:25.666 --> 00:38:29.110
mean, we'll talk about it.
00:38:29.110 --> 00:38:30.460
Let's go over the cast real quick.
00:38:30.460 --> 00:38:30.721
00:38:30.721 --> 00:38:36.434
Colin Farrell as Oswald, Oz Cobb, not Cobblepot Cobb, the Penguin.
00:38:36.436 --> 00:38:36.786
00:38:36.786 --> 00:38:41.278
Kristen Miliotti as Sophia Gigante or Falcone.
00:38:41.278 --> 00:38:42.721
That was so silly.
00:38:42.721 --> 00:38:50.222
Anyways, Renzi Feliz as Victor, Vic Aguilar, Deirdre O'Connell as Francis Cobb, Clancy Brown.
00:38:50.222 --> 00:38:52.724
Okay, we got to talk about this once I'm finished with the rest of the cast.
00:38:52.724 --> 00:38:58.088
The whole Salvatore, no, I'm sorry, not Salvatore Moroni, the Carmine Falcone.
00:38:58.409 --> 00:39:00.780
So Clancy Brown is Salvatore Moroni, getting ahead of myself.
00:39:00.780 --> 00:39:01.952
Theo Rossi as Dr.
00:39:01.952 --> 00:39:02.932
Julian Rush.
00:39:02.932 --> 00:39:05.074
Michael Kellyanne as Johnny Viti.
00:39:05.074 --> 00:39:11.500
Johnny Viti! Mark Strong as Carmine Falcone and Michael Ziegen as Alberto Falcone.
00:39:11.500 --> 00:39:12.175
We'll talk about this.
00:39:12.175 --> 00:39:15.472
I'm just going to read this and then we can go into the little bit of notes that's here.
00:39:15.472 --> 00:39:19.275
But Peter McDonald reprises his role from the Batman as the GCPD.
00:39:19.275 --> 00:39:21.047
Detective William Kenzie.
00:39:22.949 --> 00:39:24.010
His voice.
00:39:24.010 --> 00:39:25.172
It's something man.
00:39:25.172 --> 00:39:27.373
Like I thought it when we watched the Batman.
00:39:27.373 --> 00:39:30.956
He's like, I can't even like I can't even redo it.
00:39:31.737 --> 00:39:32.938
You got a lot of nerve.
00:39:32.938 --> 00:39:34.940
You got a lot of nerve coming in here.
00:39:34.940 --> 00:39:36.902
It's a bit suspicious.
00:39:37.163 --> 00:39:38.844
Everyone dying.
00:39:38.844 --> 00:39:41.947
You're going to tie yourself to the psychopath Gordon.
00:39:41.947 --> 00:39:45.260
Have you seen my have you seen my inhaler?
00:39:46.451 --> 00:39:49.262
He's a very welcome addition to the series, but it's just interesting.
00:39:49.262 --> 00:39:53.077
And I think it really ties into the sort of gritty and dark Batman world.
00:39:53.077 --> 00:39:54.958
Yeah, it does.
00:39:54.958 --> 00:39:56.590
So here's here's where I was.
00:39:56.590 --> 00:39:57.820
that you had a problem with.
00:39:57.820 --> 00:39:58.141
00:39:58.141 --> 00:40:00.132
Well, I didn't necessarily have a problem with it.
00:40:00.132 --> 00:40:05.887
just it was such the one thing that like pulled me out of the universe.
00:40:05.887 --> 00:40:06.208
00:40:06.208 --> 00:40:12.123
And it back into my body was John Turturro could not reprise his role as Carmine Falcone due to scheduling conflicts.
00:40:12.123 --> 00:40:14.153
So Mark Strong replaced him.
00:40:15.777 --> 00:40:17.398
It's just not the same.
00:40:17.398 --> 00:40:18.119
00:40:18.119 --> 00:40:23.041
God, rewatching the Batman like, I mean, John Turturro is so great.
00:40:23.041 --> 00:40:24.670
You know, nobody folks with the Jesus, right?
00:40:24.670 --> 00:40:26.521
And he is so great.
00:40:26.762 --> 00:40:29.001
is so great as Carmine Falcon.
00:40:29.001 --> 00:40:35.503
And to see Mark Strong, is, who has been in many DC projects, we'll talk about here in just a moment.
00:40:35.885 --> 00:40:38.164
It was like, man, why is Sinestro here?
00:40:38.164 --> 00:40:40.858
Like we had, we had a good one.
00:40:40.858 --> 00:40:41.858
in the previous movie.
00:40:41.858 --> 00:40:42.298
I don't know.
00:40:42.298 --> 00:40:48.505
And he's in such a small part of the series that I just don't know how they couldn't have made it work.
00:40:48.505 --> 00:40:57.143
And of course, I'm speaking very ignorantly as someone who doesn't know what it's like to produce like a high production television series, but it couldn't get him on set for a day.
00:40:57.143 --> 00:40:59.914
Like he's in this show for one episode.
00:40:59.914 --> 00:41:00.436
00:41:00.436 --> 00:41:01.476
I don't know.
00:41:01.637 --> 00:41:02.878
That seems wild to me.
00:41:02.878 --> 00:41:03.938
Like phone it in, man.
00:41:03.938 --> 00:41:05.320
Just phone it in.
00:41:05.320 --> 00:41:07.240
Get him on a Zoom call or something.
00:41:07.809 --> 00:41:11.632
Goddamn fucking some tips from Gal Gadot.
00:41:11.632 --> 00:41:20.195
Yeah, okay, cuz you know, she just does she'll just like film a scene in her backyard and then they'll exactly she's got her own Green room like just green screens all over the place.
00:41:20.275 --> 00:41:21.105
Yeah, that was again.
00:41:21.105 --> 00:41:25.467
That was the one thing cuz I always think of John Turturro from Transformers.
00:41:25.467 --> 00:41:27.148
yeah, his pants are always off.
00:41:27.148 --> 00:41:27.697
I don't know.
00:41:27.697 --> 00:41:35.601
They're always not wearing pants But I did I didn't even I didn't even think about nobody fucks did Jesus yeah, they live in pickle baski.
00:41:35.601 --> 00:41:44.123
Yeah, I didn't even think about that one, but So, Colin Farrell fought hard to have his version of the Penguin smoke tobacco in the Batman was overruled for his own series.
00:41:44.123 --> 00:41:49.646
However, the character is depicted as an occasional tobacco user with a preference for cigars.
00:41:50.007 --> 00:41:52.588
The series marks the live-action debut of Summer Gleason.
00:41:52.588 --> 00:41:59.353
The character was introduced in Batman the Animated Series and was created as a stand-in for Batman's love interest, Vicky Vale.
00:41:59.353 --> 00:42:04.476
We also get our third live-action adaptation of Magpie in episode four.
00:42:05.077 --> 00:42:06.574
You familiar with Magpie, Aaron?
00:42:06.574 --> 00:42:07.974
I am not at all.
00:42:07.974 --> 00:42:15.713
knew it was like an important thing, but I honestly had no like really like no real understanding.
00:42:15.713 --> 00:42:17.494
Yeah, she's been getting a lot of play recently.
00:42:17.494 --> 00:42:18.583
She's been in Gotham.
00:42:18.583 --> 00:42:20.213
She was in a Birds of Prey series.
00:42:20.213 --> 00:42:23.673
Like a lot of times she's like a really easy.
00:42:23.673 --> 00:42:26.954
Let's put a deep cut character here, right?
00:42:26.954 --> 00:42:27.273
00:42:27.273 --> 00:42:34.222
And Magpie essentially it's just doesn't really have any superpowers, at least not in the interpretations that I've seen her in where she's just basically like.
00:42:34.222 --> 00:42:37.311
Catwoman that puts a magpie statue when she still stuff.
00:42:37.311 --> 00:42:42.422
It's like pretty basic cable stuff and she's just a little crazy as she is in the TV series.
00:42:42.422 --> 00:42:46.282
And I thought it was a cool addition to just throw in like a kind of a small deal.
00:42:46.282 --> 00:42:53.641
Sort of like a C list respectfully, I say C list Batman villain in there with with Sophia in prison.
00:42:53.641 --> 00:42:54.891
So let's see here.
00:42:54.891 --> 00:42:57.581
We've got this is Mark Strong's third DC role.
00:42:57.581 --> 00:43:02.688
He was playing again, as we said earlier, he has played Sinestro in 2011's Green Lantern.
00:43:02.771 --> 00:43:07.275
a true benchmark in live action superhero movies.
00:43:07.275 --> 00:43:10.728
loved him as Sinestro and he is like the tease at the end.
00:43:10.728 --> 00:43:19.094
Green Lantern is such a fucking weird movie because I feel like there are certain parts of that movie that make so much sense, are so accurate.
00:43:19.094 --> 00:43:20.534
They look great.
00:43:20.574 --> 00:43:23.737
Like they could have easily moved on and done something else with this.
00:43:23.797 --> 00:43:28.481
and then like in very much bigger obvious ways is absolutely terrible.
00:43:28.481 --> 00:43:34.271
Doesn't work is like a total Frankenstein of a movie because of studio involvement and what have you.
00:43:34.271 --> 00:43:37.291
But Mark Strong was like a true highlight of that movie.
00:43:37.291 --> 00:43:41.773
And to see him get his yellow ring at the end of that in the post credit scene was like, damn it.
00:43:41.773 --> 00:43:42.804
This is what they took from us.
00:43:42.804 --> 00:43:44.293
Like we could have had this.
00:43:44.293 --> 00:43:45.454
Not just that, but.
00:43:45.454 --> 00:43:47.775
Well, he's also Dr.
00:43:47.775 --> 00:43:49.476
Savant in the David F.
00:43:49.476 --> 00:43:50.916
Sandberg Shazam films.
00:43:50.916 --> 00:43:54.657
Now, sort of a dumb villain in the first one.
00:43:54.817 --> 00:43:58.237
I don't know why they chose Savant as the first villain.
00:43:58.286 --> 00:44:00.126
pretty much a nothing burger in the second one.
00:44:00.126 --> 00:44:01.746
I think he's he's in the post credit scene.
00:44:01.746 --> 00:44:02.525
That's about it.
00:44:02.525 --> 00:44:05.226
Like he's he's really barely used.
00:44:05.226 --> 00:44:07.335
And yeah, just really terrible.
00:44:07.335 --> 00:44:09.505
To be honest, I liked him in that role.
00:44:09.505 --> 00:44:11.485
I like him all the time in his roles.
00:44:11.485 --> 00:44:18.385
He's such sure he's one of those guys that just has this presence that can take any scene and like really just like steal the whole thing.
00:44:18.385 --> 00:44:24.065
I think he he must be married to someone within Warner Brothers because he's about to show up in the Doom Prophecy series as well.
00:44:24.065 --> 00:44:26.445
So we're to see him again here soon.
00:44:26.445 --> 00:44:27.706
All right.
00:44:27.788 --> 00:44:28.818
That's right.
00:44:28.818 --> 00:44:29.759
All right.
00:44:29.759 --> 00:44:30.679
So here we go.
00:44:30.679 --> 00:44:33.181
This is Clancy Brown's 19th.
00:44:33.380 --> 00:44:40.344
Aaron, 19th DC Comics role in the history of his career.
00:44:40.826 --> 00:44:41.726
00:44:42.266 --> 00:44:43.286
00:44:43.286 --> 00:44:44.538
And I'm going to list them all here for you.
00:44:44.538 --> 00:44:44.927
Don't worry.
00:44:44.927 --> 00:44:46.559
I'm going to I have them all here for you right now.
00:44:46.559 --> 00:44:47.349
Do it.
00:44:47.349 --> 00:44:51.282
So he was Lex Luthor in multiple DC animated series, movies and video games.
00:44:51.282 --> 00:44:52.762
I think that's what he's most known for.
00:44:52.762 --> 00:44:54.733
He's pretty widely known.
00:44:56.253 --> 00:45:03.914
he was also, Lex Luthor in Superman, last son of Krypton in 1996 and in Lego DC super villains in 2018.
00:45:03.914 --> 00:45:05.693
He was sheriff Morgan in the Zeta project.
00:45:05.693 --> 00:45:13.083
He was Wally West slash the slash the flash flash slash vice president slash guardian of Oa in justice league unlimited.
00:45:13.083 --> 00:45:15.134
So he played multiple roles in just like limited.
00:45:15.134 --> 00:45:16.054
He was Mr.
00:45:16.054 --> 00:45:17.224
Freeze and the Batman.
00:45:17.224 --> 00:45:19.634
This is an animated movie in 2004.
00:45:19.634 --> 00:45:25.614
He was raw tool slash a mugger slash per Degaton in Batman, the brave and the bold 2008.
00:45:25.614 --> 00:45:26.914
You ever watched Brave and the Bold?
00:45:26.914 --> 00:45:27.813
Still have not.
00:45:27.813 --> 00:45:28.773
Pretty good.
00:45:28.773 --> 00:45:29.673
Pretty good.
00:45:29.673 --> 00:45:30.833
Pretty good.
00:45:30.833 --> 00:45:31.733
Not great.
00:45:31.733 --> 00:45:33.653
Aaron, did you ever watch Beware the Batman?
00:45:33.653 --> 00:45:34.713
Beware the Batman.
00:45:34.713 --> 00:45:35.733
Beware the Batman.
00:45:35.733 --> 00:45:37.873
Short lived, like 3D animated.
00:45:37.873 --> 00:45:43.733
We're talking like what was that 3D animated show from like the late 90s where they're like in a computer reboot?
00:45:43.733 --> 00:45:45.554
Looks like that, but better.
00:45:45.833 --> 00:45:47.293
Is that the Batman?
00:45:48.074 --> 00:45:48.534
00:45:48.534 --> 00:45:48.914
00:45:48.914 --> 00:45:50.853
Magpie also shows up in that show as well.
00:45:50.853 --> 00:45:51.523
It's good.
00:45:51.523 --> 00:45:53.824
I like it a lot more than Brave and the Bold, but Brave and the Bold is good.
00:45:53.824 --> 00:45:55.125
I don't like what they did with the Joker.
00:45:55.125 --> 00:45:57.036
looks he's like a weird monkey man.
00:45:57.456 --> 00:46:03.391
Anyway, we've got King Fadara Fadare slash fire breather and just young justice.
00:46:03.391 --> 00:46:03.742
Excuse me.
00:46:03.742 --> 00:46:04.291
Young Justice.
00:46:04.291 --> 00:46:05.322
Also a great series.
00:46:05.322 --> 00:46:06.023
00:46:06.023 --> 00:46:09.106
Speaking of Green Lantern in 2011, he was parallax.
00:46:09.146 --> 00:46:09.737
00:46:09.737 --> 00:46:11.827
Fucking terrible, everybody.
00:46:12.349 --> 00:46:15.431
He's hard talk in Green Lantern, the animated series.
00:46:15.431 --> 00:46:18.344
He was negative man slash General Immortus and Dr.
00:46:18.344 --> 00:46:19.815
Excuse me, in Doom Patrol.
00:46:19.815 --> 00:46:23.693
He was a gorilla, a gorilla rod in Robot Chicken DC.
00:46:23.693 --> 00:46:32.253
comic special number two villains in paradise or 2014 and he was general Wade Elling Elling and Eiling in the flash.
00:46:32.673 --> 00:46:33.583
So a lot.
00:46:33.583 --> 00:46:34.583
He's done a lot of everybody.
00:46:34.583 --> 00:46:35.313
00:46:35.313 --> 00:46:39.014
You know, he I don't understand why he never voiced killer croc.
00:46:39.014 --> 00:46:39.824
Well, he's got that voice.
00:46:39.824 --> 00:46:44.454
He could really honestly do a lot in the DC universe or just in comics in general.
00:46:44.454 --> 00:46:47.534
And I have a question for you really quick before we move on to the next one here.
00:46:47.534 --> 00:46:51.134
I'm not taking questions at the moment, but I will make an exception for you.
00:46:51.134 --> 00:46:51.403
thank you.
00:46:51.403 --> 00:46:52.295
Thank you.
00:46:52.295 --> 00:46:55.467
Where is Batman in this series?
00:46:57.590 --> 00:46:59.851
no, no, no.
00:47:00.112 --> 00:47:01.833
I you didn't think I was going that way.
00:47:01.833 --> 00:47:02.213
I did.
00:47:02.213 --> 00:47:06.695
It was nice to switch up.
00:47:07.478 --> 00:47:19.275
Well, according to show developer Lauren LeFranc, I understand why people's desire would be to have Batman or to think that unless Batman's in a show or a film, then it doesn't have the same punch.
00:47:19.543 --> 00:47:21.545
To me, I think it packs a different punch.
00:47:21.545 --> 00:47:27.536
Matt's films are through the lens of Batman, so when you're high up looking down on the city, it's a different perspective.
00:47:27.536 --> 00:47:29.797
With Oz, you're in the city streets.
00:47:29.797 --> 00:47:32.396
You're in the grit and the muck and the grime.
00:47:32.396 --> 00:47:36.077
He's looking up, wanting to claw his way to the top.
00:47:36.077 --> 00:47:49.608
Matt Reeves reportedly adamant about keeping Robert Pattinson's Batman at a distance from the series in hopes that it would give people a chance to get to know Oz without the inclusion of the caped crusader, which I both love.
00:47:49.608 --> 00:47:50.898
and hate.
00:47:51.458 --> 00:47:52.349
No, let me take that back.
00:47:52.349 --> 00:47:53.159
Let me.
00:47:55.019 --> 00:47:56.039
I love that.
00:47:56.039 --> 00:47:56.980
I don't hate it.
00:47:56.980 --> 00:48:06.742
I there's always this I think and I think and I kind of hate when studios give us like they give us everything we think we want all the time.
00:48:06.742 --> 00:48:07.083
00:48:07.083 --> 00:48:10.483
Because we may want to see Batman because we fucking love.
00:48:10.483 --> 00:48:12.483
I loved Robert Pattinson as the Batman.
00:48:12.483 --> 00:48:12.753
00:48:12.753 --> 00:48:13.425
I really did.
00:48:13.425 --> 00:48:15.304
He's an amazing Batman.
00:48:15.304 --> 00:48:16.726
But we didn't need him in this.
00:48:16.726 --> 00:48:18.795
This show stands on its own.
00:48:18.795 --> 00:48:23.378
Two little bird legs, you know, a half feet, one and a half feet.
00:48:23.378 --> 00:48:24.449
You know, you call me up.
00:48:24.449 --> 00:48:25.481
Don't call me for you.
00:48:25.481 --> 00:48:25.871
Call me.
00:48:25.871 --> 00:48:26.630
Don't call me that.
00:48:26.630 --> 00:48:30.432
You know, it's like it does so well on its own.
00:48:30.534 --> 00:48:36.858
And I really truly appreciate it actually not having them like shoehorn any kind of.
00:48:37.418 --> 00:48:43.822
You know, unnecessary characters into this, no unnecessary love story into this, no unnecessary bullshit.
00:48:43.822 --> 00:48:45.043
was really good.
00:48:45.043 --> 00:48:46.485
Yeah, I tend to agree.
00:48:46.485 --> 00:48:48.724
I think it's sort of our lizard brain.
00:48:48.724 --> 00:49:02.610
want to see Robert Pattinson at some point, if it is just maybe like him showing up at like a jail cell or something like if he had like visited Sophia in prison or if he had like swooped through the city at the very end or something, I don't know.
00:49:02.610 --> 00:49:03.679
Like, yeah, sure.
00:49:03.679 --> 00:49:07.101
Like you asked me and I'll probably tell you that it would have been nice to see Robert Pattinson's Batman.
00:49:07.101 --> 00:49:10.282
But I tend to agree with you that I'm glad that they didn't do that.
00:49:10.282 --> 00:49:18.346
And, know, in the end of all this, because this was the show is about Oz and about like him as as Lauren has said here.
00:49:18.389 --> 00:49:20.570
his sort of rise to the top.
00:49:20.610 --> 00:49:36.750
And with Batman there, I think it just, takes the character of Oz down a peg or two, because even in re-watching the Batman, anytime that Robert Patton says Batman and Colin Farrell's the Penguin, it is just so not a match physically.
00:49:36.750 --> 00:50:17.286
Like they are just so far and away on different, like at one point in the club when in the iceberg lounge, Batman very casually just throws Oz into this like, Sheet glass, you know, and then like obviously the chase down in the Batmobile like Batman is so far and away physically Like on top of the penguin, but this is showing you what Oz can do from the inside He's gonna fester from the end through the veins of Gotham But I love also that they gave him such strength as well Because he wasn't just like this like whenever you see the penguin you see him as this kind of like meek kind of small like, you small statured character.
00:50:17.286 --> 00:50:19.278
Sort of round and he's round.
00:50:19.278 --> 00:50:19.699
He's pudgy.
00:50:19.699 --> 00:50:20.219
He's like short.
00:50:20.219 --> 00:50:21.351
He's not very fast.
00:50:21.351 --> 00:50:25.713
Whereas like in this, like the dead bodies, he's picking up his mom.
00:50:25.713 --> 00:50:26.954
He's picking up dead bodies.
00:50:26.954 --> 00:50:30.978
He's like, you know, he's holding his own and in these gun battles.
00:50:30.978 --> 00:50:31.378
00:50:31.378 --> 00:50:34.481
And I, I, and I think that again, introduced it.
00:50:34.481 --> 00:50:43.668
So here's, here's kind of like where my mind went to in this comparison, HBO, I want to say the max they had the, halo series, right?
00:50:43.668 --> 00:50:45.028
No, that was paramount.
00:50:45.623 --> 00:50:48.235
Paramount Plus had the Halo series.
00:50:48.375 --> 00:50:57.219
And the cool thing about the Master Chief is that he is a character that is not defined necessarily by his physical presence as a human.
00:50:57.219 --> 00:51:04.402
Because his physical presence is so much more than he's like eight feet tall without his suit.
00:51:04.402 --> 00:51:10.284
He's massive, he's got a presence, and a lot of people don't even think that he's human.
00:51:10.425 --> 00:51:12.800
And he doesn't need an identity.
00:51:12.800 --> 00:51:17.952
of a human face to really make him a believable character.
00:51:18.833 --> 00:51:22.797
His presence alone is what makes him that hero.
00:51:22.797 --> 00:51:30.161
And in the Paramount Plus show, like multiple times, he's like barely in his suit, he's always walking around with no helmet on.
00:51:30.161 --> 00:51:33.905
And that's one of the things that was horrible about the show.
00:51:33.905 --> 00:51:41.409
And I feel like putting the Batman in the penguin is like, it's taking off his helmet and having to like put something else in there.
00:51:41.409 --> 00:51:50.675
just to justify this character and make him seem like more than what he is because that character cannot stand on his own without that aspect of that universe.
00:51:50.675 --> 00:51:51.976
Not true.
00:51:52.036 --> 00:52:01.083
So good without having to rely on the presence of this one staple character in this city that that hold that kind of holds it all together because we didn't need to hold it together.
00:52:01.083 --> 00:52:03.934
We needed to see the struggle of what Oz in the city was going through.
00:52:03.934 --> 00:52:04.675
00:52:04.675 --> 00:52:16.833
Oz is a living, breathing power in this world or I guess in the city specifically and Gotham is in the best Batman stories is a living breathing character within itself.
00:52:16.833 --> 00:52:24.195
And in order to flesh out Gotham as a living breathing entity, you have to populate it with interesting characters.
00:52:24.195 --> 00:52:37.481
And if the only interesting characters in this city, this giant metropolitan city that's supposed to be on the same level as like a New York, if the only three interesting characters are Gordon, Selena Kyle, and Batman, then this is not an interesting world.
00:52:37.481 --> 00:52:38.443
So you got to.
00:52:38.443 --> 00:52:39.864
make people like the Riddler.
00:52:39.864 --> 00:52:41.896
You gotta make people like Oz.
00:52:41.896 --> 00:52:43.739
And not even just Oz.
00:52:43.739 --> 00:52:54.507
We haven't really even talked about Sophia, who is also maybe one of the better villains in superhero history on her own, just based on her complexity and what she had to go through to get to where she is.
00:52:54.507 --> 00:52:57.293
Let's go ahead and get into, again, let's talk about Sophia here.
00:52:57.293 --> 00:52:58.572
We're getting a little long-winded, huh?
00:52:58.572 --> 00:53:00.112
00:53:00.112 --> 00:53:04.657
I mean, we sort of naturally progressed here, but at the end of this series, we'll talk about sort of the ending here.
00:53:04.657 --> 00:53:06.309
Unless, Aaron, is there anything?
00:53:06.309 --> 00:53:07.840
Are there any particular episodes?
00:53:07.840 --> 00:53:18.594
Is there any particular parts that you want to talk about with this series that we haven't covered yet that you want to speak on before we sort of get into the more defining parts of the finale and like the end part of the series?
00:53:18.596 --> 00:53:21.376
I think, you know, there's only eight episodes.
00:53:21.376 --> 00:53:30.181
And so like I just want to go through, like you said, like a couple of them really quickly and just kind of like honestly, like the first one, the first one I knew by the end of it.
00:53:30.181 --> 00:53:31.621
The opening scene is incredible.
00:53:31.621 --> 00:53:33.612
The opening scene is incredible.
00:53:33.646 --> 00:53:37.536
the just the show itself, like the entire first episode has you hooked.
00:53:37.536 --> 00:53:46.155
And that's like right at the end, there's this moment between Vic and Oz where they're just sitting there and they're talking about this, what was it?
00:53:46.155 --> 00:53:47.726
a burrito?
00:53:47.726 --> 00:53:50.505
And he's just like, it's not fucking good.
00:53:50.505 --> 00:53:52.005
That's fucking great.
00:53:52.005 --> 00:53:54.945
And it's like these small moments that he has.
00:53:54.945 --> 00:54:11.014
And it's crazy because throughout the show, there's just these moments like there's these simple fucking moments where like, Like Oz is this guy that wants to hold the power of the city in his hands, but at the same time he can sit there and talk one-on-one about like, like I said, extra pickles.
00:54:11.014 --> 00:54:12.438
They gave me two pickles.
00:54:12.438 --> 00:54:14.119
You know, what is, what's normal for pickles?
00:54:14.119 --> 00:54:26.971
One, you know, it's like he's small like moments that like he is able to kind of, again, what's the word he's able to kind of like go from just being this guy who lives in the moment to just dreaming of conquering the world.
00:54:27.552 --> 00:54:32.561
Oz is, the prototypical Webster dictionary version of a glad hand.
00:54:32.561 --> 00:54:53.081
He can come down to anyone's level, whether you're Vic or you're Salvatore Moroni, and he can like meet you where you're at and just take like a half step, not to make a pun on his legs, like a half step ahead of you and like, meet you on like, he can analyze you and know what you want and what your biggest fear is in like a set and like a 30 second conversation.
00:54:53.081 --> 00:54:56.442
I mean, he knows how to manipulate people really well.
00:54:56.442 --> 00:55:13.532
And I think what's maybe one of the more interesting highlights of this series, because I think it's really interesting and sort of easy for when a character gets a series of their own, especially when it comes like superhero series is to paint the main character as sort of like an antagonist, someone that we can root for.
00:55:13.532 --> 00:55:22.726
And I think this series goes against the grain in that by the fact that he is willing to do whatever, literally whatever to get on top.
00:55:22.726 --> 00:55:24.476
He will fuck over his mom.
00:55:24.476 --> 00:55:26.030
He will kill his siblings.
00:55:26.030 --> 00:55:28.800
He will fuck over every crime boss in the city.
00:55:28.800 --> 00:55:31.250
He will kill Vic.
00:55:31.250 --> 00:55:34.260
Maybe we don't know if he's dead or not, but like he will.
00:55:34.260 --> 00:55:35.329
He'll He'll fucking dead.
00:55:35.329 --> 00:55:37.780
He will screw over whoever to get to the top.
00:55:37.780 --> 00:55:39.170
And that and I think I can't.
00:55:39.170 --> 00:55:41.400
I think it was maybe Matt Reeves is doing an interview.
00:55:41.400 --> 00:55:45.650
He's like, if you root for Oz at the end of the series, you're not paying attention.
00:55:45.650 --> 00:55:47.300
This guy is a bad dude.
00:55:47.300 --> 00:55:47.929
00:55:47.929 --> 00:55:49.400
There's no one to root for in this series.
00:55:49.400 --> 00:55:49.800
00:55:49.800 --> 00:55:51.797
Not Sophia, not Oz, not anybody.
00:55:51.797 --> 00:55:53.688
You kind of, kind of wanted to root for Vic.
00:55:53.688 --> 00:55:54.260
I was excited.
00:55:54.260 --> 00:55:56.451
Like he was kind of like finding his way.
00:55:56.721 --> 00:55:57.452
but that was another thing.
00:55:57.452 --> 00:55:59.882
Like, and you said it yourself, like, yes, I'm going to point it out.
00:55:59.882 --> 00:56:05.967
Like there's that moment in the end of the first episode where Oz and Vic are having this moment just over this small meal.
00:56:05.967 --> 00:56:16.034
And then the final episode that, you know, I'll talk about that in a second, like where, Oz, you know, kills Vic, but are we sure that he's dead though?
00:56:16.034 --> 00:56:17.695
I mean, we see the body laying there.
00:56:17.695 --> 00:56:22.708
I guess the old adage of like, isn't there not dead unless you see a body, but He did just choke him out.
00:56:22.708 --> 00:56:25.699
Like I feel like if I was like choke you out, I don't think he would die.
00:56:25.699 --> 00:56:30.101
I'm just going to say because it's symbolic that he killed him.
00:56:30.101 --> 00:56:30.621
00:56:30.621 --> 00:56:33.592
I mean, they could easily bring him back, but they could also say that he killed him.
00:56:33.592 --> 00:56:35.623
Like it's one of those very ambiguous things.
00:56:35.623 --> 00:56:36.065
00:56:36.065 --> 00:56:40.626
But in episode three, which is titled Bliss, which is when they start selling bliss in the club.
00:56:40.626 --> 00:56:45.478
And there's this moment where like Vic is trying to decide and he's trying to tell Oz.
00:56:45.478 --> 00:56:48.248
He's like, I want to go leave with my girlfriend.
00:56:48.248 --> 00:56:53.420
who I really care about and have this new life and not be like, I'm not this person, this is not my life.
00:56:53.780 --> 00:57:00.103
And Oz and Vic have this like moment in the stall or in the bathroom at the club, not the stall, but the bathroom itself.
00:57:00.164 --> 00:57:12.452
And Oz is, it's just like you said, he's able to like sum up somebody in a split second and tell them exactly what they need to be on his side and to be in his corner.
00:57:12.452 --> 00:57:16.302
And he does this just that, but he does it in such a powerful way that he's almost...
00:57:16.302 --> 00:57:26.612
pouring his soul into this moment so genuinely, at least you think it's genuine, to inspire them to follow him to the ends of fucking earth.
00:57:26.771 --> 00:57:34.909
And to him, to inspire that is what, you know, motivates him to go even further and farther and faster and harder.
00:57:34.909 --> 00:57:49.545
like, again, to pour that much into a person and then just days later, Realized that he's gotten too close to you and he's become a liability to just murder him right there even though and that's the thing He did it out of love.
00:57:49.545 --> 00:58:13.626
Yeah, he literally murdered murders him because he realized yes I fucking love you you are my family But I can't have any more family because that's just that is a week that is a weakness you and me That's all that's left I Don't believe in kismet or nothing Good to be met.
00:58:13.626 --> 00:58:13.905
00:58:13.905 --> 00:58:14.606
00:58:14.606 --> 00:58:17.505
You see me at my lowest or I shoot my mom.
00:58:17.545 --> 00:58:19.106
You been there.
00:58:19.126 --> 00:58:21.266
By my side every step.
00:58:21.545 --> 00:58:22.905
Listen, kid.
00:58:23.505 --> 00:58:27.746
I, I can't bring you with me this time.
00:58:27.806 --> 00:58:29.025
What do mean?
00:58:29.405 --> 00:58:32.025
I mean, that's the thing about family.
00:58:32.565 --> 00:58:33.525
00:58:34.085 --> 00:58:35.465
It's your strength.
00:58:35.465 --> 00:58:36.146
Oz, what are you...
00:58:36.146 --> 00:58:37.666
I mean, it drives you.
00:58:38.606 --> 00:58:41.166
Fuck, if it don't make you weak, too.
00:58:41.268 --> 00:58:44.440
I can't have that no more.
00:58:46.818 --> 00:58:48.775
I can't have that shit.
00:58:48.775 --> 00:58:54.451
It's too much.
00:58:54.451 --> 00:59:10.168
Too fucking much! I'm You're good man, Vic.
00:59:10.652 --> 00:59:12.112
You got a good heart.
00:59:22.739 --> 00:59:26.523
And it's like, holy fuck, holy shit.
00:59:26.684 --> 00:59:47.400
then let's, mean, we haven't even talked about Sofia, who is Sofia Falcone, who becomes, who goes to Arkham for what was supposed to be six months by the Falcone family, gets out 10 years later, is completely fucked in the head because she just basically had to accept this world that she was gonna be stuck in for however long.
00:59:48.737 --> 00:59:54.059
She just is like skipping through the house and she's wearing this gas mask having killed her entire family.
00:59:54.059 --> 01:00:09.043
was, reminded me very much of the, the scene from the original, Batman film where, or Batman, you know, the film where, you know, Joker's like going through the, the, museum and after he's gassed everybody in there.
01:00:09.043 --> 01:00:11.184
Yeah, to print.
01:00:11.184 --> 01:00:11.923
01:00:11.923 --> 01:00:17.867
Can we, can we say that Carmine Falcone may be the best jeans in Gotham?
01:00:17.867 --> 01:00:23.240
I mean, between helping create not only Sophia, but also Selena Kyle.
01:00:23.240 --> 01:00:23.842
01:00:23.842 --> 01:00:24.672
My goodness.
01:00:24.672 --> 01:00:25.503
What's up with this guy?
01:00:25.503 --> 01:00:26.793
Like too bad he's dead.
01:00:26.793 --> 01:00:29.105
He can't make more incredibly beautiful people.
01:00:29.364 --> 01:00:31.677
Somebody call somebody call a fucking Victor freeze.
01:00:31.677 --> 01:00:34.746
Cause we needed to freeze some eggs or some, some sperm.
01:00:35.688 --> 01:00:43.134
I want to, I want to kind of go back a little bit because I think there's a pretty interesting correlation between Sophia and Oz and the fact that they are both master manipulators.
01:00:43.134 --> 01:00:46.753
And I think The greatest way to manipulate someone is to inspire them.
01:00:46.753 --> 01:00:53.456
As you said a moment ago, an inspiration is to sort of get people to believe what you want them to believe.
01:00:53.456 --> 01:00:59.559
And Sophia and Oz do that both in very similar ways, but in like a different approach.
01:00:59.559 --> 01:01:03.481
I think when people are inspired by Oz, it's to gain something.
01:01:03.481 --> 01:01:12.309
They've seen the Oz, this person who for all intents and purposes should have been dead years ago based on the amount of shit that he's gotten into.
01:01:12.309 --> 01:01:13.409
is still alive kicking.
01:01:13.409 --> 01:01:18.251
People see that and go, well, if this guy is still able to be in power, clearly I need to side with him.
01:01:18.331 --> 01:01:21.222
And then knowing that he's probably gonna double cross you at some point.
01:01:21.222 --> 01:01:26.653
Like people know going into these situations that Oz is going to betray them at some point and they still do it.
01:01:26.653 --> 01:01:28.815
Like that's the type of power you can't buy.
01:01:28.815 --> 01:01:33.675
have to, like that type of manipulation cannot be taught, right?
01:01:33.675 --> 01:01:35.175
And then Sophia, similar way.
01:01:35.175 --> 01:01:41.297
Like they side with her because they see that she's been mistreated by her family her entire life.
01:01:41.719 --> 01:01:42.900
She's obviously beautiful as well.
01:01:42.900 --> 01:01:48.855
I'm sure that doesn't hurt, but she has this way about her that she will tell you what you need to hear in the moment.
01:01:48.855 --> 01:01:51.157
She's like a ultimate strategist.
01:01:51.157 --> 01:02:00.282
Throughout this series, see multiple times she like sets someone up for one thing and then the last second flips it and does the opposite and like gains the power that way.
01:02:00.282 --> 01:02:01.463
See, I disagree.
01:02:01.463 --> 01:02:02.043
01:02:02.043 --> 01:02:02.384
01:02:02.384 --> 01:02:03.144
I disagree.
01:02:03.144 --> 01:02:11.190
And I say that because I feel like the story here for, they're almost a parallel story with different outcomes.
01:02:11.318 --> 01:02:20.324
Because you have two people that grew up with different like knees on their neck.
01:02:20.324 --> 01:02:26.266
Whether it was society or whether it was the weight of the family on their neck, the responsibility.
01:02:26.507 --> 01:02:36.641
And both were put in situations where life was so fucking hard that they're just damaged and they're broken and it really gave them each a choice.
01:02:36.641 --> 01:02:50.271
You had one that could really accept the world around them and move through it in a way that would lift them up or one that would just like, not like Sophia.
01:02:50.271 --> 01:02:51.932
Like Oz accepted it.
01:02:51.932 --> 01:02:57.376
He accepted his situation, his circumstances and realized that that was his true power.
01:02:58.257 --> 01:03:00.268
Sophia could not accept it.
01:03:00.268 --> 01:03:05.702
It broke her and she came in and thought that the only way to fix this was with power.
01:03:05.985 --> 01:03:07.206
Yeah, destroy it.
01:03:07.206 --> 01:03:08.067
To destroy it.
01:03:08.067 --> 01:03:14.331
So Oz wanted to build something with, you know, and to develop something that he never had.
01:03:14.331 --> 01:03:22.527
Sophia came from power, lost it, was like was struggling under the weight of everything, came in and just like had to take the power.
01:03:22.527 --> 01:03:26.019
But honestly, didn't really want it.
01:03:26.019 --> 01:03:27.460
Didn't really need it.
01:03:27.460 --> 01:03:32.003
She like in order to gain power, she had to like destroy the previous power.
01:03:32.003 --> 01:03:32.684
01:03:32.684 --> 01:03:38.480
She came in with with this desire to to to break down everything that had already been previously built.
01:03:38.480 --> 01:03:46.704
when she realized that it was just not like she was already back and she was just again, repeating the cycle of what other families had done.
01:03:47.063 --> 01:03:50.126
She realized that these are my circumstances.
01:03:50.186 --> 01:03:51.197
I can't handle it.
01:03:51.197 --> 01:03:55.159
So I'm going to destroy it and leave where Oz is like, these are my circumstances.
01:03:55.159 --> 01:03:57.329
I'm going to accept it and I'm going to fucking rule.
01:03:57.329 --> 01:03:57.750
01:03:57.750 --> 01:04:00.233
Well, you know, again, we sort of were talking about this a minute ago.
01:04:00.233 --> 01:04:01.311
I want to get back to it here.
01:04:01.311 --> 01:04:06.961
While in Arkham, Sophia receives a letter from Selena Kyle claiming to be her half sister.
01:04:07.182 --> 01:04:09.643
at what point in the series did you make that connection?
01:04:09.643 --> 01:04:11.965
Did you make it right there in that moment in that scene?
01:04:11.965 --> 01:04:18.086
Or did you remember that Carmine Falcone, of course, was the father of Selena Kyle, of course, Sophia?
01:04:18.086 --> 01:04:24.989
Like, I don't know why that didn't compute in my head until that scene, but I didn't realize it until the very end.
01:04:24.989 --> 01:04:28.532
I think, again, it speaks to the world building.
01:04:28.532 --> 01:04:34.847
You know, we were so ingrained into what was going on in the screen right in front of us.
01:04:34.847 --> 01:04:43.644
and how it was just so amazingly built that we didn't really think about the external events that had already happened.
01:04:43.726 --> 01:04:52.769
And I think that speaks very well to the showrunner and to the team, the creative team behind this is, now we're like, holy fuck, now it really is bigger than this.
01:04:52.769 --> 01:04:54.454
It's going to continue to grow.
01:04:54.454 --> 01:04:55.916
And I think that that's amazing.
01:04:55.916 --> 01:05:01.201
Because to be honest, again, they could have done some simple dumb shit and thrown in, like we could have seen.
01:05:01.201 --> 01:05:02.742
Honestly, I was thinking that when...
01:05:02.742 --> 01:05:07.166
she was walking through Arkham, I thought we were going to see maybe the Joker.
01:05:07.166 --> 01:05:10.992
I thought maybe we'd see somebody in there that we recognize, but we didn't.
01:05:10.992 --> 01:05:13.811
I mean, yeah, you saw the magpie, but that's all.
01:05:13.811 --> 01:05:15.702
And it's like, okay, cool.
01:05:15.702 --> 01:05:20.255
Like maybe a must opportunity, but no, no, it was good because it was still a world.
01:05:20.456 --> 01:05:22.288
You know, I'll say this, the Dr.
01:05:22.288 --> 01:05:25.420
Rush, not a fan of him in this show.
01:05:25.420 --> 01:05:26.831
I'm so happy that you brought him up.
01:05:26.831 --> 01:05:27.400
Can I?
01:05:27.400 --> 01:05:30.612
ask you something here that I've been seeing a lot on social media.
01:05:30.612 --> 01:05:36.197
And I don't know if I necessarily love this fan theory, but it sort of has a little bit, has some legs to it.
01:05:36.197 --> 01:05:36.728
I'll say that.
01:05:36.728 --> 01:05:42.793
Apparently in the last, one of the last scenes of the series, we see, of course, Theo Rossi's Julian Rush.
01:05:42.793 --> 01:05:48.728
see his office and you know, throughout the series, he's playing with these red lights to sort of hypnotize folks.
01:05:48.947 --> 01:05:58.550
And on his office desk, you see what looks like the scarecrow's masks, his mask and the claw like the claws that he often will wear.
01:05:58.550 --> 01:06:03.034
So people are theorizing that Julian Rush could eventually become the scarecrow in this universe.
01:06:03.213 --> 01:06:11.369
Basically manufacturing his scare toxins with the blit the new bliss because they often have I guess they have similar attributes.
01:06:11.369 --> 01:06:12.119
What are your thoughts on that?
01:06:12.119 --> 01:06:15.525
Would that add any context to Julian Rush's character in this series?
01:06:15.525 --> 01:06:18.342
Because I thought like you said, kind of a nothing burger in this series.
01:06:18.342 --> 01:06:24.925
Yeah, I kept the only thing I kept seeing from him was I kept seeing shades from Luke Cage.
01:06:25.878 --> 01:06:26.858
I just kept thinking of him.
01:06:26.858 --> 01:06:29.759
He's such a pussy and sons of anarchy.
01:06:29.759 --> 01:06:32.019
So I was like, I don't like this guy.
01:06:32.019 --> 01:06:32.920
Yeah, I did.
01:06:32.920 --> 01:06:41.603
But to be honest, thought I was kind of thinking there's a scene where Sophia and him, I'm assuming they had sex because he's like almost naked.
01:06:41.603 --> 01:06:42.864
She's looking for that.
01:06:42.864 --> 01:06:43.164
01:06:43.164 --> 01:06:44.784
He's got some scratches on his chest.
01:06:44.784 --> 01:06:49.217
I was almost thinking that he might like eventually turn into like Zaz.
01:06:49.217 --> 01:06:53.652
like Victor's ass because he had like, you know, she scratched him enough and maybe that was his like body count.
01:06:53.652 --> 01:07:03.530
Like she was like doing to him and kind of marking him up because that she, know, that maybe that was something that he gleaned from her from loving her or even like maybe his, his name wasn't actually rush and he was going to be like Dr.
01:07:03.530 --> 01:07:06.521
Strange or something from sorry.
01:07:06.521 --> 01:07:07.753
You mean Hugo Strange?
01:07:07.753 --> 01:07:08.123
01:07:08.123 --> 01:07:09.094
Hugo Strange.
01:07:09.094 --> 01:07:09.824
He's Dr.
01:07:09.824 --> 01:07:10.525
01:07:10.525 --> 01:07:11.496
He is technically Dr.
01:07:11.496 --> 01:07:13.588
Strange, but it's confusing Aaron to call it Dr.
01:07:13.588 --> 01:07:13.887
01:07:13.887 --> 01:07:14.237
01:07:14.237 --> 01:07:14.579
01:07:14.579 --> 01:07:14.929
01:07:14.929 --> 01:07:20.246
Hugo Strange of Arkham, not doctors, you know, That's strange.
01:07:20.246 --> 01:07:21.987
It's doctor, doctor.
01:07:21.987 --> 01:07:22.528
That's yeah.
01:07:22.528 --> 01:07:23.528
01:07:23.590 --> 01:07:33.097
so that's, you know, I, I, I wasn't necessarily the happiest with him in this role, but like I said, I mean, if there's something to it, cool.
01:07:33.628 --> 01:07:34.619
I mean, I could see that.
01:07:34.619 --> 01:07:37.460
I mean, there's obviously a lot going on in Arkham.
01:07:37.621 --> 01:07:44.786
I was kind of, yeah, there's just, mean, it would be a cool, it would be a cool zig where we're like, we're all expecting a cool zig where there was a Zazz.
01:07:47.934 --> 01:07:54.166
But yeah, and you know, speaking on sort of the again, the ever present, which which rogue are we going to see next?
01:07:54.166 --> 01:07:59.567
Aaron, why don't you go into what I think this fan theory, I noticed it during the finale.
01:07:59.567 --> 01:08:01.358
I know we talked a little bit before the recording here.
01:08:01.358 --> 01:08:06.358
Not something that you notice immediately, but talk about where we might be heading in this universe.
01:08:06.358 --> 01:08:10.739
OK, so Oz's last minute master plan defeats of Sophia Gigante.
01:08:10.739 --> 01:08:11.701
01:08:11.701 --> 01:08:12.501
01:08:12.501 --> 01:08:14.320
Gigante, posse.
01:08:14.320 --> 01:08:25.344
In the series, finale involves finale involves his improvised connection to a Gotham politician, Councilman Sebastian Haiti, whom Oz previously manipulated to restore Crown points electricity.
01:08:25.344 --> 01:08:26.805
That was a total win.
01:08:26.805 --> 01:08:34.980
When Oz enters Gotham town hall to talk with Haiti, the curtains hung along the chambers in the courtroom created create a clear owl shape.
01:08:34.980 --> 01:08:39.954
And it's totally I didn't even notice that at first because to me, I thought it was a kitty cat.
01:08:40.676 --> 01:08:44.438
The image of multiple owl silhouettes, silhouettes scattered.
01:08:44.449 --> 01:08:56.140
around the courtroom seems like a subtle but crystal clear hint at the Court of Owls introduction in a future Batman film series, which I could absolutely see and love in this kind of like darker underbelly undertone.
01:08:56.140 --> 01:08:58.752
Yeah, they totally set up in the first movie too, right?
01:08:58.752 --> 01:09:10.072
Like the entire plan of the Riddler is the fact that there was this small, there was this underground coup of multiple high powered people within Gotham to get Thomas Wayne in power.
01:09:10.072 --> 01:09:21.439
And then when it didn't work and when Martha sort of went off the rails, Thomas had one of the news people killed and that's what eventually, well, they theorize that that's what eventually got Thomas killed.
01:09:21.439 --> 01:09:23.520
Thomas and Martha, I guess, together.
01:09:23.541 --> 01:09:26.103
Of course, in Crime Alley, we all know the story.
01:09:26.103 --> 01:09:29.685
Everybody has been played out in every movie and television series that Batman's been involved in.
01:09:29.685 --> 01:09:30.565
Clutch your pearls.
01:09:30.565 --> 01:09:32.346
Clutch those gosh darn pearls.
01:09:32.346 --> 01:09:46.787
So in the comics, the Court of Owls created by a good friend of the show, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have influence and also, I'm just gonna say this, one of Chris's favorite I'll talk about why this story arc is so important to me after we get on with this part.
01:09:46.787 --> 01:09:55.350
know, the court of owls have influenced Gotham's politics from the shadows for ages and they have played a key role in almost all significant events in the city's history.
01:09:55.350 --> 01:10:02.931
Instead of a single criminal with a plan to destroy Gotham, Batman has to deal with countless faceless enemies who cannot be defeated by sheer force.
01:10:02.931 --> 01:10:03.532
01:10:03.532 --> 01:10:06.203
So I think long time listeners of the show will know this.
01:10:06.203 --> 01:10:09.163
I'll just reiterate it here in case this is your first time listening for whatever reason.
01:10:09.163 --> 01:10:27.113
But the court of owls is extremely important to me as a not only as a entity within comics, but also just an entity within my love of the medium back in, I would say like 2012, 2011, when I started getting into comics the way that I am now, because of course I've always loved superheroes.
01:10:27.113 --> 01:10:30.266
Like I was a fan of X-Men, the animated series and Spider-Man, the animated series.
01:10:30.266 --> 01:10:38.323
And I read comics here and there when I was a kid, but I didn't begin reading comics and collecting comics the way that I do now until about right after high school.
01:10:38.381 --> 01:10:44.462
And the series that really got me into comics at that time was Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder's Court of Owls.
01:10:44.462 --> 01:10:47.681
That was the first book that I ever put on a quote unquote pull list.
01:10:47.681 --> 01:10:50.622
was the only, it was the book that got me into the comic shop every month.
01:10:50.622 --> 01:10:56.082
Eventually that became, you know, the Nightwing series from the new 52 and so on and so forth.
01:10:56.082 --> 01:11:00.261
So the Court of Owls showing up in this universe is extremely exciting from my point of view.
01:11:00.261 --> 01:11:04.181
But I also think it, again, as we just spoke on it a moment ago, makes too much sense.
01:11:04.181 --> 01:11:06.051
Like we've never seen them in live action.
01:11:06.051 --> 01:11:07.072
At least I don't think we have.
01:11:07.072 --> 01:11:08.261
Have we seen them?
01:11:08.409 --> 01:11:10.591
Were they like they show up in like Gotham or something?
01:11:10.591 --> 01:11:11.863
I don't even really.
01:11:11.863 --> 01:11:12.122
01:11:12.122 --> 01:11:12.310
01:11:12.310 --> 01:11:12.412
01:11:12.412 --> 01:11:12.613
01:11:12.613 --> 01:11:12.894
01:11:12.894 --> 01:11:14.154
I think they might have honestly.
01:11:14.154 --> 01:11:17.698
But honestly, that doesn't really doesn't count in my book.
01:11:17.698 --> 01:11:19.498
That's all I say because Gotham.
01:11:19.498 --> 01:11:20.128
never watched it.
01:11:20.128 --> 01:11:21.180
I don't care to watch it.
01:11:21.180 --> 01:11:28.206
I'm contradicting myself a little bit here because I think any series that doesn't have Batman in it that is centered around Batman characters is sort of silly.
01:11:28.206 --> 01:11:33.557
I think Batman is directly involved with a lot of the creation of these villains and just characters in general.
01:11:33.557 --> 01:11:36.979
That being said, course, Penguin, just talked about how much we love it and Batman doesn't show up once.
01:11:36.979 --> 01:11:37.958
So what am I talking about?
01:11:37.958 --> 01:11:51.743
But anyway, point being is that the Court of Owls, they are these like this festering group of folks who have just since the beginning of Gotham, like Aaron, have you ever read the Capullo, Snyder, Court of Owls, all that run?
01:11:51.743 --> 01:11:52.603
I have not.
01:11:52.603 --> 01:11:52.922
01:11:52.922 --> 01:12:04.586
I, I, the only thing I've really read with the Court of Owls in it, to be honest, is good friend of the show, Christian Ward's City of Madness, which incorporates, you know, this Talon and all those.
01:12:04.586 --> 01:12:04.886
01:12:04.886 --> 01:12:07.926
Talon and the court and you know, it's really interesting.
01:12:07.926 --> 01:12:09.006
So yeah.
01:12:09.006 --> 01:12:11.666
My brother, you have to eventually read it because it is awesome.
01:12:11.666 --> 01:12:13.166
So yeah, no, I highly recommend it.
01:12:13.166 --> 01:12:13.926
Aaron, you need to check it out.
01:12:13.926 --> 01:12:16.036
I have it in just I have in like four forms.
01:12:16.036 --> 01:12:19.185
So if you ever want to just borrow it, I can definitely just give you one.
01:12:19.185 --> 01:12:22.636
But anyway, let's close out our conversation here about the Penguin.
01:12:22.636 --> 01:12:24.605
I think we've talked about this thing pretty in depth.
01:12:24.605 --> 01:12:31.445
Aaron, what are your final thoughts on the first spinoff of the Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson, a Batman universe?
01:12:31.445 --> 01:12:44.961
This was just something that really is welcome at a time like this, when a lot of shows, especially the ones that we've counted on for so long to be good, I am very much speaking to the MCU.
01:12:47.182 --> 01:12:51.386
they are not offering what we want, we have to find it somewhere else.
01:12:51.386 --> 01:12:58.530
And the DCU, if this is how they need to proceed with success in the DC universe, like this is where we got to go.
01:12:58.530 --> 01:13:05.382
And this is a perfect explanation example of what can be done amazingly.
01:13:05.382 --> 01:13:11.775
What if Aaron in the next 10 years we see a resurgence, they always talk about superhero fatigue, which I don't believe in.
01:13:11.775 --> 01:13:12.376
think it's silly.
01:13:12.376 --> 01:13:14.787
think we have a quality fatigue.
01:13:14.787 --> 01:13:19.307
I think there are certain parts of the MCU that have sort of dipped in quality, unfortunately.
01:13:19.328 --> 01:13:28.773
And we're speaking of, you know, speaking with two people who love the MCU still, think to this day, both of us are going to go see the newest MCU film on day nine, on day one.
01:13:28.773 --> 01:13:36.055
And we're going to watch the TV series eventually at some point, but What if in the next 10 years, the DC universe, cause we're to have Superman next year.
01:13:36.176 --> 01:13:38.056
Like what if DC is the next thing?
01:13:38.056 --> 01:13:43.640
What if that's what we sort of hitch our wagon to instead of, cause you know, during the MCU, that was terrible.
01:13:43.640 --> 01:13:46.502
Like the DC universe was in my opinion, pretty bad overall.
01:13:46.502 --> 01:13:50.144
There were a couple of decent entries, but overall it was mostly Marvel.
01:13:50.144 --> 01:13:51.045
Marvel was killing it.
01:13:51.045 --> 01:13:52.048
That's totally fine with me.
01:13:52.048 --> 01:13:58.488
I mean, there's been several years where it's been nothing but Batman, Batman, the returns Batman forever, Batman or Robin.
01:13:58.488 --> 01:14:00.619
And, and I mean, it's all cyclical.
01:14:00.619 --> 01:14:02.189
You know, they're going to be great.
01:14:02.189 --> 01:14:04.310
They're going to hit some some road bumps.
01:14:04.310 --> 01:14:04.780
They're going to have to.
01:14:04.780 --> 01:14:08.671
Because again, that's a natural thing that that occurs in Hollywood.
01:14:08.671 --> 01:14:11.672
You know, they make a shit ton of money off of something that went really well.
01:14:11.672 --> 01:14:15.104
They dump a whole bunch of money into other ideas like that.
01:14:15.104 --> 01:14:17.204
They end up like making too much money off of it.
01:14:17.204 --> 01:14:18.904
And then we wind up with land before time.
01:14:18.904 --> 01:14:19.994
01:14:20.435 --> 01:14:22.515
One last question before we get out of this review.
01:14:22.515 --> 01:14:26.216
Are you excited about the James Gunn, Peter Safran, DCU?
01:14:26.216 --> 01:14:27.396
You're a fool if not.
01:14:27.396 --> 01:14:30.358
And I do have confidence because James Gunn.
01:14:30.405 --> 01:14:57.317
Is he's a fan, you know, he he brings in the creators who actually give a shit about these titles and there and and and that right there is the difference between you know, the Hollywood, you know elites taking over and and and changing what's going in there and then you have Again, we just have these people in the industry who are who are crossing You know these boundaries into different mediums and affecting the quality of what's coming out.
01:14:57.797 --> 01:14:59.921
I guess my final thoughts are very similar to yours.
01:14:59.921 --> 01:15:01.431
I think this is an incredible show.
01:15:01.431 --> 01:15:02.853
It's one of my favorites of the year.
01:15:02.853 --> 01:15:07.332
I think this is pretty much exactly what I wanted from a show like this.
01:15:07.332 --> 01:15:10.028
don't, I don't, have little to no complaints about it overall.
01:15:10.028 --> 01:15:11.708
I think we talked about a lot of them here on the show.
01:15:11.708 --> 01:15:12.500
All right.
01:15:12.500 --> 01:15:12.750
01:15:12.750 --> 01:15:12.890
01:15:12.890 --> 01:15:16.592
During this episode, I guess I'll say, but overall really loved it.
01:15:16.592 --> 01:15:25.128
think anybody, if for some reason you listened to this before you watched it, I don't know why you would, but if you did go watch it for yourself, we didn't even talk about half of what we could have, honestly.
01:15:25.149 --> 01:15:26.993
So Go check this out if you haven't.
01:15:26.993 --> 01:15:29.224
I think this would be a fun thing to revisit.
01:15:29.224 --> 01:15:37.087
You know, a lot of times when we watch these shows, I don't really feel a need to go back and watch the I haven't watched many of the MCU TV series again.
01:15:37.087 --> 01:15:37.649
01:15:37.649 --> 01:15:42.952
This would actually be a fun thing to go back to right before Batman Part Two comes out here in a couple of years.
01:15:42.952 --> 01:15:44.962
So, yeah, really loved it.
01:15:44.962 --> 01:15:47.554
Aaron, let's go and raise this bad boy out of five David A.
01:15:47.554 --> 01:15:50.086
Weiner's as we do, Aaron, David A.
01:15:50.086 --> 01:15:52.136
Weiner, documentary and filmmaker.
01:15:52.136 --> 01:15:54.318
Just talk to him a couple of weeks ago here on the show.
01:15:54.318 --> 01:15:56.738
about In Search of Darkness 93, 94.
01:15:56.738 --> 01:15:57.297
01:15:57.297 --> 01:15:57.917
01:15:57.917 --> 01:15:58.938
Great guy.
01:15:58.938 --> 01:16:01.698
What are going to give the Penguin out of five David Weiner's Aaron?
01:16:01.698 --> 01:16:03.787
I'm going to give it a four point five.
01:16:03.877 --> 01:16:05.257
me too.
01:16:05.257 --> 01:16:05.707
Air five.
01:16:05.707 --> 01:16:06.148
01:16:06.148 --> 01:16:09.457
Four point five for the Penguin from both Aaron and I deservedly.
01:16:09.457 --> 01:16:11.667
So I think this is an incredible show, everybody.
01:16:11.667 --> 01:16:13.078
We don't need to tell you that everybody.
01:16:13.078 --> 01:16:14.787
If you've seen it, you know how good it is.
01:16:14.787 --> 01:16:17.818
That's a rarity for us to be exactly like the same.
01:16:17.818 --> 01:16:19.658
Usually it's like a point five difference.
01:16:19.658 --> 01:16:20.198
01:16:20.198 --> 01:16:21.518
Like one way or the other.
01:16:21.518 --> 01:16:21.858
01:16:21.858 --> 01:16:22.297
01:16:22.297 --> 01:16:23.938
Was there any part of you that thought?
01:16:23.938 --> 01:16:27.219
This is like at what point in the show did you decide it was a 4.5?
01:16:27.219 --> 01:16:29.520
Did you ever think at one point it was going to be a five?
01:16:29.578 --> 01:16:32.722
I think it was a five until the final episode.
01:16:32.722 --> 01:16:38.536
And then it kind of went off a little bit of the rails on like, you know, with some of the stuff.
01:16:38.536 --> 01:16:45.909
I'm just like, yeah, I think there was just just again, very, very small things that brought me down that point five.
01:16:45.909 --> 01:16:47.850
But other than that, it was phenomenal.
01:16:47.850 --> 01:16:52.132
was exactly it was a palate cleanser from all the bullshit that we've gotten recently.
01:16:52.132 --> 01:16:59.073
And definitely would watch it again, but definitely want to go back and watch the Batman before I go back and watch this again.
01:16:59.073 --> 01:16:59.972
01:17:00.113 --> 01:17:00.483
All right.
01:17:00.483 --> 01:17:01.863
Everybody, that'll do it for our review of the Penguin.
01:17:01.863 --> 01:17:03.704
Let's get into my favorite segment here on the show.
01:17:03.704 --> 01:17:06.176
And that, course, is Aaron's Arcade.
01:17:07.976 --> 01:17:10.997
It's time for Aaron's Arcade.
01:17:14.797 --> 01:17:16.418
Welcome to Aaron's Arcade.
01:17:16.418 --> 01:17:21.842
My few moments where I get to talk about the things that I and only I care about.
01:17:21.842 --> 01:17:33.810
Well, this is a little bit different this week because I got back from my trip and lo and behold, I had a gift waiting for me from some friends that we've recently made over at Comic Capsule.
01:17:33.810 --> 01:17:40.956
And if you haven't heard of Comic Capsule, Comic Capsule is a company that is making these really amazing...
01:17:41.537 --> 01:17:43.296
I'm going to call them like almost...
01:17:44.078 --> 01:17:44.668
What do you them?
01:17:44.668 --> 01:17:44.908
01:17:44.908 --> 01:17:47.481
They're like a showcase bag and board, right?
01:17:47.481 --> 01:17:56.971
Like what do call those when you drop the what do they call the sleeves like the big really thick sleeves that you drop your books into once they're in a sleeve, you drop them into remember like cards?
01:17:56.971 --> 01:17:59.654
Cards like a like a top loader.
01:17:59.654 --> 01:18:00.024
01:18:00.024 --> 01:18:00.485
Thank you.
01:18:00.485 --> 01:18:01.716
I couldn't think of as a drop loader.
01:18:01.716 --> 01:18:02.278
Top loader.
01:18:02.278 --> 01:18:02.528
01:18:02.528 --> 01:18:08.826
So these are basically like imagine a top loader that is meant to display beautifully.
01:18:08.826 --> 01:18:11.845
I put a bag and board in the capsule itself?
01:18:11.845 --> 01:18:15.065
you absolutely OK, so you don't have to like take the comic out of the bag and board?
01:18:15.065 --> 01:18:15.246
01:18:15.246 --> 01:18:15.645
01:18:15.645 --> 01:18:19.386
you so you basically I'll just let you see this right here.
01:18:19.386 --> 01:18:20.395
There's a blue thing at the top.
01:18:20.395 --> 01:18:21.546
So some of them come clear.
01:18:21.546 --> 01:18:23.086
I ordered before I left.
01:18:23.086 --> 01:18:27.775
I ordered a whole set of clear ones and they're like, hey, you know, we know you love this product.
01:18:27.775 --> 01:18:29.765
So why don't we send you some of our new stuff that's coming out?
01:18:29.765 --> 01:18:38.743
So they sent me two brand new versions of their comic capsules, which are they have a blue like blue backing, which is really pretty.
01:18:38.743 --> 01:18:41.925
And then they have a red version, which is really pretty as well.
01:18:42.345 --> 01:18:45.445
And again, you just kind of like push this back.
01:18:45.466 --> 01:18:47.547
kind of like ply, it's pliable.
01:18:47.547 --> 01:18:52.590
it like, you bend it back, you slide your book in there, bag, board, comic, everything included.
01:18:52.590 --> 01:18:54.871
It goes right in there and it just displays beautifully.
01:18:54.871 --> 01:19:01.173
These two particular ones that they sent me are for Silver Age, which to be honest, I don't really have.
01:19:01.717 --> 01:19:17.207
many silver age so I need to go find something that I want to display these because I fucking love displaying my stuff in these comic castles and I find it to be the perfect I'm gonna say the perfect alternative to getting your stuff graded.
01:19:17.207 --> 01:19:32.692
you want to keep it if you want to display it and it has a little hook in the back so you can hang it if you want to hang it up on the wall because again they come they come with black backing they come with clear backing they come with blue and red now which is brand new and they're just Like there's I'm just going to tell you I'm going to read the whole thing.
01:19:32.692 --> 01:19:37.381
Anti-UV resin, easy snap cover to keep comic books intact and accessible.
01:19:37.381 --> 01:19:41.841
There's a label area, back hanger, stackable and just I don't know they're durable.
01:19:41.841 --> 01:19:42.561
You can drop them.
01:19:42.561 --> 01:19:43.471
They don't scratch very easily.
01:19:43.471 --> 01:19:47.452
But the other thing that they just sent me was kind of a brand new thing they just released.
01:19:47.452 --> 01:19:48.292
And here's the thing.
01:19:48.292 --> 01:19:51.601
I love buying wraparound covers.
01:19:51.601 --> 01:19:51.851
01:19:51.851 --> 01:19:56.862
And what's really hard to find is clear backboards.
01:19:56.886 --> 01:20:01.628
And they just create, they just release their own version of they're called comic capes.
01:20:01.970 --> 01:20:06.372
So you have your comic capsules and you have now you have your comic capes that they have.
01:20:07.012 --> 01:20:11.756
They have modern size now they have a Silver Age size now.
01:20:11.756 --> 01:20:17.841
So I'm just going to start using this stuff, man, because I have so many books that I just constantly want to display and take photos of and share on the internet.
01:20:17.841 --> 01:20:20.943
And this to me is a perfect way.
01:20:20.943 --> 01:20:21.565
And I love it.
01:20:21.565 --> 01:20:22.664
It's just a great product.
01:20:22.664 --> 01:20:24.865
Again, they sent me some a while back.
01:20:24.865 --> 01:20:26.136
And I was like, I got to support these guys.
01:20:26.136 --> 01:20:29.488
If you're military, they have a military discount through GovX.
01:20:29.488 --> 01:20:33.451
they do, they're doing like a sale right now on for, for Black Friday.
01:20:33.451 --> 01:20:35.021
They did like a Veterans Day sale.
01:20:35.021 --> 01:20:35.903
They're amazing.
01:20:35.903 --> 01:20:37.323
So I'm going show you this right now.
01:20:37.323 --> 01:20:42.037
I just ordered Jim Lee's Virgin Covers and a Captain America one.
01:20:42.037 --> 01:20:46.746
Jim Lee's versions of the Absolute Superman and Absolute Wonder Woman.
01:20:46.746 --> 01:20:49.280
I'm going to slide in here and they're the foil version.
01:20:49.280 --> 01:20:50.601
So I love them.
01:20:50.631 --> 01:20:54.573
And I'm going to put those in my comic capsules, grab some photos, maybe display those for a little while.
01:20:54.573 --> 01:20:55.215
But take some photos.
01:20:55.215 --> 01:20:56.315
We'll put them on our social media.
01:20:56.315 --> 01:20:58.067
Shout out to the comic capsule guys.
01:20:58.067 --> 01:20:58.716
01:20:58.716 --> 01:21:02.649
It is just and Chris, I'll send you a couple as well.
01:21:02.649 --> 01:21:05.712
These are just like they're phenomenal, man.
01:21:05.712 --> 01:21:13.847
I highly I highly encourage supporting this company because they are very again, they support veterans with military discount, Veterans Day sales, all this.
01:21:13.847 --> 01:21:15.198
And they're just good dudes.
01:21:15.198 --> 01:21:20.130
They even wrote me this like little this letter to go along with it saying, hey, we know we appreciate you.
01:21:20.130 --> 01:21:22.470
buying from us and appreciating our project or our product.
01:21:22.470 --> 01:21:24.552
You know, we know that you're a fan of it.
01:21:24.552 --> 01:21:28.595
So here test out some new stuff that we got going on and let us know what you think.
01:21:28.595 --> 01:21:30.166
love, we love all feedback.
01:21:30.166 --> 01:21:32.817
And I was like, that's just a genuine cool thing to do.
01:21:32.817 --> 01:21:33.938
Yeah, that's really cool.
01:21:33.938 --> 01:21:37.739
And you've actually, you've been bragging about them for far longer than this episode.
01:21:37.739 --> 01:21:39.400
Like you've been talking about them for a bit.
01:21:39.400 --> 01:21:41.801
I'm happy to see that they recognize that.
01:21:41.801 --> 01:21:49.006
And again, like you said, we love supporting small businesses, especially when it has not only, not only when it's ran by really cool people.
01:21:49.006 --> 01:21:52.046
but also when it's dealing with like comics and things that we love already.
01:21:52.046 --> 01:21:52.586
01:21:52.586 --> 01:21:54.286
Hashtag not a sponsor.
01:21:54.786 --> 01:21:56.126
Question mark.
01:21:56.746 --> 01:21:57.626
Winky face.
01:21:57.626 --> 01:22:03.426
with that, I'm going to say, let's get into my favorite part of the show, which, know, I don't get, I don't, I've missed it.
01:22:03.426 --> 01:22:04.006
I've missed you.
01:22:04.006 --> 01:22:04.645
I've missed your smell.
01:22:04.645 --> 01:22:06.341
Let's get into Chris's corner.
01:22:08.457 --> 01:22:11.560
It's time for Chris's Corner.
01:22:16.747 --> 01:22:17.278
All right.
01:22:17.278 --> 01:22:19.951
This week for Chris's Corner, we're talking about a movie again this week.
01:22:19.951 --> 01:22:26.546
We're talking about a real pain, which is written and directed by Jesse Eisenberg and stars Jesse Eisenberg and Kieran Culkin.
01:22:26.546 --> 01:22:30.298
Now, a lot of people who been in the movies over the last couple of weeks probably have seen trailers for this movie.
01:22:30.298 --> 01:22:36.744
This is a pretty low budget searchlight film again, pretty much all on the back of Jesse Eisenberg.
01:22:36.744 --> 01:22:38.926
And I think Emma Stone was a producer on this.
01:22:38.926 --> 01:22:45.783
But a real pain follows mismatched cousins David and Benji, who reunite for a tour through Poland to honor their beloved grandmother.
01:22:45.783 --> 01:22:52.278
The adventure takes a turn when the odd couples old tensions resurface against the backdrop of their family's history.
01:22:52.278 --> 01:22:57.300
Now, this movie is one of my favorites of the year for sure.
01:22:57.300 --> 01:22:58.190
It's in my top five.
01:22:58.190 --> 01:22:59.962
I'll go over my top five here in just a moment.
01:22:59.962 --> 01:23:04.835
But I will say that the reason why I love this movie so much is I think it, I said this on social media and I'll reiterate it here.
01:23:04.835 --> 01:23:10.608
I think we all know someone in our life who is sort of just like chronically inappropriate all the time.
01:23:10.608 --> 01:23:14.926
Like they just cannot help but make moments that should.
01:23:14.926 --> 01:23:19.126
like civility should take over, but yet they just can't have a normal moment.
01:23:19.126 --> 01:23:22.235
And a lot of times it's annoying in the moment for sure.
01:23:22.235 --> 01:23:24.695
And you're like, God, why can't this person just be normal?
01:23:24.695 --> 01:23:26.145
And you're like, I love this person.
01:23:26.145 --> 01:23:30.345
I know how good they can be, but why can't they just like figure it out and be like a person?
01:23:30.345 --> 01:23:32.525
But this movie, but I think it does really well.
01:23:32.525 --> 01:23:39.275
Karen Culkin, think will deservedly definitely get a nomination and possibly even win best supporting actor this year at the Oscars.
01:23:39.275 --> 01:23:49.832
I think it sort of highlights the idea that like a lot of this inappropriateness comes from a place of they've just they've had an onslaught of terribleness happen to them over their lifetime.
01:23:49.832 --> 01:23:55.274
And the sort of veil of normalcy is unimportant to them.
01:23:55.274 --> 01:24:00.777
They sort of like live in these two worlds where it's like charm, but also like hyper aggression.
01:24:00.976 --> 01:24:02.774
It's discussing a lot of things in the movie.
01:24:02.774 --> 01:24:04.259
And I don't want to spoil really too much.
01:24:04.259 --> 01:24:06.458
I want everyone that's listening to this, go out and watch it for yourself.
01:24:06.458 --> 01:24:07.979
It's an incredible film.
01:24:08.340 --> 01:24:13.069
I got an early press screening to it I got to meet some of the people that work for searchlight.
01:24:13.069 --> 01:24:16.090
And just top to bottom loved it.
01:24:16.130 --> 01:24:17.840
And Aaron, do you have any interest in this movie?
01:24:17.840 --> 01:24:19.810
Are you at any point going to go see it maybe or?
01:24:19.810 --> 01:24:22.529
I'll watch it maybe when it comes out on streaming, like a streaming service.
01:24:22.529 --> 01:24:23.289
01:24:23.289 --> 01:24:26.079
It's not one that I would probably go out and just like look for.
01:24:26.079 --> 01:24:26.470
01:24:26.470 --> 01:24:26.689
01:24:26.689 --> 01:24:29.270
Well, you know, as I said a moment ago, it's my third favorite movie of year.
01:24:29.270 --> 01:24:30.859
Here are my top five over on Letterboxd.
01:24:30.859 --> 01:24:32.829
I rank all of my favorite films of the year.
01:24:32.829 --> 01:24:35.289
I've got Doom Part Two and Sing Sing.
01:24:35.289 --> 01:24:37.149
That's tied for number one.
01:24:37.149 --> 01:24:40.797
You've got a real pain at number three because I don't really have a number two.
01:24:40.797 --> 01:24:43.279
The bike riders at number four and then a Nora at number five.
01:24:43.279 --> 01:24:45.230
So those are some of my favorite movies of the year.
01:24:45.230 --> 01:24:46.304
We're getting towards the end of year.
01:24:46.304 --> 01:24:48.877
We've got a couple of big ones still coming out with like Nosferatu.
01:24:48.877 --> 01:24:50.563
I think there's like another one that I'm missing.
01:24:50.563 --> 01:24:52.404
I think the Brutalist is coming out in December.
01:24:52.404 --> 01:24:55.985
So there's a couple of movies that I'm excited to see still, but a real pain.
01:24:56.046 --> 01:24:57.567
It earns my highest recommendation.
01:24:57.567 --> 01:25:00.069
I cannot implore people enough to go check this movie out.
01:25:00.069 --> 01:25:01.609
So good to know.
01:25:01.609 --> 01:25:01.949
01:25:01.949 --> 01:25:05.452
All right, everybody, that'll do it for episode 173 of the Oblivion Bar podcast.
01:25:05.452 --> 01:25:06.891
We have done it again, Aaron.
01:25:06.891 --> 01:25:08.672
We've we've taken over the city, Vic.
01:25:08.672 --> 01:25:09.694
It's out.
01:25:09.997 --> 01:25:10.478
It's fucking out.
01:25:10.478 --> 01:25:11.137
It's fucking out.
01:25:11.137 --> 01:25:12.337
You're a weakness.
01:25:12.337 --> 01:25:13.457
You're a fucking weakness.
01:25:13.457 --> 01:25:15.478
I love you too much.
01:25:15.497 --> 01:25:16.557
You're fucking dead.
01:25:16.557 --> 01:25:17.587
You're fucking dead.
01:25:17.587 --> 01:25:18.578
I got a stutter.
01:25:18.578 --> 01:25:20.018
Go to sleep.
01:25:20.078 --> 01:25:20.898
Go to sleep.
01:25:20.898 --> 01:25:22.078
All right.
01:25:22.078 --> 01:25:26.438
Next week, we don't have like, we don't necessarily have a topic at the moment.
01:25:26.438 --> 01:25:27.957
We'll just have to get back to you guys.
01:25:27.957 --> 01:25:30.837
We'll tune in next week if you want to know what we're talking about here on the podcast.
01:25:30.837 --> 01:25:33.557
But until then, Aaron, take us out of here.
01:25:33.557 --> 01:25:34.057
All right.
01:25:34.057 --> 01:25:39.713
Subscribe to our podcast, Apple's podcast, Spotify, YouTube, Audible, iHeartRadio, wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.
01:25:39.713 --> 01:25:42.895
will be there.
01:26:08.525 --> 01:26:09.586
Fuck Twitter.
01:26:09.586 --> 01:26:14.265
Brand new official merch for the show is on our website,
01:26:14.265 --> 01:26:16.636
Thank you KXD for all of our oblivion bar art.
01:26:16.636 --> 01:26:18.305
He's at KXD graphics on Instagram.
01:26:18.305 --> 01:26:21.185
Thank you Dream Kid for all of our musical themes.
01:26:22.166 --> 01:26:24.405
Thank you DJ Skyback for our grid theme.
01:26:25.426 --> 01:26:30.006
Don't forget to tip your bartender 20 % or more or I'll come.
01:26:30.006 --> 01:26:31.626
I'll fucking come over.
01:26:31.626 --> 01:26:33.845
Jesus, I'll fucking find you.
01:26:33.865 --> 01:26:35.926
Fucking I'll fucking find you.
01:26:35.926 --> 01:26:38.206
Ma, ma, Mimilo.
01:26:38.466 --> 01:26:39.466
The me.
01:26:39.886 --> 01:26:40.761
All right, buddy.
01:26:40.761 --> 01:26:42.126
That'll do it for the Abilene more podcasts.
01:26:42.126 --> 01:26:43.841
We appreciate you guys all checking us out here.
01:26:43.841 --> 01:26:47.750
We will see you next week for episode 174.